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Nothing. Jace's mind had never been so blank. He allowed the harsh reality to sink in. Clary was gone. The numbing emptiness that began to fill his chest reminded him of how the light burned out in her green eyes, how hollow they looked when she took her last breath. Jace was unable to hold himself up. He collapsed upon entering his room and allowed himself to begin to panic. 

His light, his purpose. She was his everything. "Jace...?" A deep voice said from his doorway. Scott McCall gave him a once over with worried eyes. 

Jace didn't answer. He couldn't. He could barely breathe. The only love he had shared with anyone had been snuffed out. "Jace, look at me." 

Deep down, he appreciated Scott's effort, even though he was unclear as to why the werewolf was even bothering to speak to him. "Listen, I don't know you that well, but I get what you're going through," Scott spoke softly. Jace remained stoic, stray tears dampening his cheeks. "I've had to watch a lot of people die. Good, kind people. Their lives were stolen from them, just like Clarissa's was." 

Jace focused on the polished floor in front of him, "Clary," he whispered hoarsely. "She didn't  like it when you used  her full name." 

Scott nodded hesitantly, "I won't make that mistake again." Silence filled the room once more. Neither seemed to mind. Jace enjoyed having a presence with him, it kept him from doing something incredibly stupid. Scott knew it too. So he stayed, determined to prevent any more Shadowhunter deaths. 

Jace would never admit it, but he was grateful. 


Alec didn't want to face Izzy. 

"You sure you're okay?" His sister's voice caught his attention. 

"I'm completely fine," the Banshee tried to push herself off Izzy's bed but Allison placed a hand on her shoulder, "Not today Lyds," She tried to smile at her friend. 

"I need to see if Clary-" Lydia hesitated, "I can't feel her anymore.."

Izzy perked up and quickly turned to face her brother, "Alec? Where's Clary?" 

"No! My baby!" They all heard a scream come from the entry way. Izzy froze. 

"I was right, wasn't I?" Lydia whispered sadly. Isabelle's face turned white, "No. Please, no.." She bolted out of the room before Alec could catch her. He chased after his sister, "Iz! Wait!" But she was already there. Jocelyn was on the floor, clutching her daughter's body. She cradled Clary's head in her lap, "What happened?!" She screamed, desperately trying to wipe away her tears. 

"What the hell happened out there, Alec?" Izzy stood over her friend's body. A choked sob escaped Izzy's lips before she stumbled back into her brother, "She was my best friend." Alec pulled her into a hug, "I know." 



"Come on!"

"Seriously, go check out that snoring issue. I don't know how you haven't died in your sleep yet."

Simon  slowly opened his eyes.

"Good, you're alive." Simon recognized the voice. 

"Raphael?" He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the hot sun that nearly blinded him. 

"Who else do you think would wait here until you woke up?" He chuckled dryly. 

"You...you're dead. Am I dead?" Simon winced as he rolled onto his side. 

"Are you in pain right now?" Raphael wiped his sandy blonde hair out of his face. "Obviously," Simon clutched his lower stomach.

"Then you're not dead," Raphael rolled his eyes, "now get out from in the middle of the street." 

"Why?" Simon groaned. "So I can help you. I can't be in the sunlight, remember?" Raphael's impatience wasn't any concern of the wounded Shadowhunter's. "Fine, fine," Simon grumbled, slowly dragging his body out of the sun. Raphael was there instantly, easily turning Simon over into his back. "Ah- gentle. I'm not a vampire anymore." 

"Really? I mean, you'd think I'd notice these ridiculous runes covering your body," Raphael mumbled sarcastically. Simon smirked, "You looking at my body, Raph?" He teased.

"I can still see the outline of your parabatai rune. Your bond with another Shadowhunter has been broken," Raphael didn't think that this was the time to joke, "it's a wonder you didn't die. What were you doing out here?" 

"Where am I?" 

"Outside the Hotel Dumort," Raphael held up two pale fingers, "how many do you see?" 

Simon blinked, "Twenty-seven." 

Raphael was not amused, "Seriously Simon..."

"I see two fingers, Raph," Simon laughed a little, "my stomach is killing me though."

"Probably where your parabatai was injured," the vampire mumbled quietly, "I don't know what to do."

"Can you help me get to the Institute?" Simon slowly sat up. "Clary must be in as much pain as I'm in. I want to make sure she's alright."

"I can, but no Downworlders are allowed in unless invited," Raphael effortlessly lifted Simon up on his feet, balancing his weight on his shoulders. "Did you forget? I'm a Shadowhunter now," Simon smiled at him. 

"Doesn't mean you're any less annoying," Raphael rolled his eyes but he couldn't hide his small smile.


So...it's been a longggg minute😅 

Also, love me some Saphael > (any other ship besides Stalec)

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