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"No!" Jace suddenly leaped over the car Clary had been pinned against, pushing Deucalion back a few inches. An arrow whistled by Stiles's ear and landed in Ethan's arm, startling him enough that he let go of Stiles. Aiden released his grip as well, going to his brother's aid.

Jace was on the ground, cradling Clary's body, completely unaware of Deucalion raising his claws to strike again. Stiles spotted the lost dagger by his feet. He clenched his jaw. Deucalion killed Clary. Stiles saw red. He distantly heard Alec calling his name but all he could hear was his own pulse throbbing in his ears. 

The mundane grabbed the dagger and ran without hesitation this time. He thrusted the blade into the Alpha's back with all of his strength. Deucalion cried out in pain, spinning around on Stiles. Another arrow flew and landed in the angry werewolf's shoulder, which was Stiles's cue to run. 

He nearly toppled into Alec who wrapped his arms around the mundane. "Stiles, it's okay. You're okay." 

"This isn't over Lightwood. You can't protect the human forever," A flash of light nearly blinded Stiles as a doorway appeared out of nowhere. Deucalion glanced back, admiring the destruction he had caused. He stepped through the glowing door and disappeared with Ethan and Aiden right behind him. 

"Come back to me Clary..." The silence was broken by Jace's broken sobs. "Please don't leave me...I need you Clary please..."


Deucalion, Aiden, and Ethan stumbled back through the portal and into the cellar Deucalion had currently set up shop in. "You had him!" Deucalion growled, clutching his already healing wounds, "the arrow couldn't have injured you that badly. Now we have to wait for the Shadowhunters to bring him out again."

"You weren't suppose to kill anyone," A voice said sadly. Deucalion scoffed, "She didn't mean anything. A girl that fragile didn't belong with the Angels anyway."

"Fragile? She was one of the most courageous Shadowhunters to have ever live-" 

"She's not 'living'  now, is she? Oh come, Magnus. Our deal was Alexander left unharmed. That was it," Deucalion smirked. The warlock's eyes shifted, "You need me, wolf. I had simple requests." 

"Tell me, what else do you desire? Refresh my memory if you will," Deucalion mocked. He loved hearing Magnus say it. 

"When you're done with Stiles, I'm killing him."


This is short ik ik ik but Im #1 in Stalec?!?!?! 

That makes me so happy you have no idea :)

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