10 - Ethan

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 When I came home, a surge of anger shot through me.

I slammed the door and got about halfway up the stairs when dad said, "Ethan."

I groaned and went downstairs.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked.

I opened my mouth and everything came rushing out,

"Who was it? You or mom? I'm guessing you because mom seems more like the wizard magic-y type of person. Or maybe that was a lie too."

I stopped and looked at him, half hoping he had no idea what I was talking about. Hoping it was all in my head.

He sighed. "Who told you?" He asked. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? That I'm not human, dad?"

He sighed again and collapsed into a chair. I raised my eyebrows in expectation.

He took a deep breath and said, "Well, your mom and I fell in love, before the law banning werewolves. When she was pregnant, I... I didn't think I could lead the pack and raise a child. So we left. Just until you were born. And then... Jessica fell in love with this life. She didn't want to go back... the doctors, ones who knew about the Supernatural stuff, said that she couldn't deliver a werewolf child and live through it..."

He sighed again and, put his head in his hands.

Wait, did he say lead the pack?

"Were you the Alpha?" I asked. He looked at me. He looked tired and sad. "Was. Wish I had never left."

"I wish you didn't either..." I murmured.

Then I put my hands in my pocket. Something changed in his face, "Do you want to go back?"


"Are you thinking of moving?"

"It won't be far away. You can still go to school. Hang out with your friends... just not at our house. And, if they're sorcerers." He joked.

Uh, oh.

He sees the look on my face and says, "Your friends aren't sorcerers, are they?"

"Um..." was all I could say.

"Ethan." He says in a warning tone, "You better get rid of those friends of yours."

"I thought you married a sorceress!" I countered. "Yes, before the law was established! They'll hurt you if you disobey."

I groaned and stormed upstairs. I slammed the door to my room shut and collapsed onto my bed.

I don't know why I even try to talk to him. I mean he does tell me stuff, but when we start to talk about something else, he makes a big deal out of it.

I groaned and started to think if something else. What is it with this Zee girl. I don't even know who she is.

I start to think about what my life would be like if my dad never left.

Then, my thoughts drift to Lillian.

Why did I tell her and no one else?

I shook my head, trying to clear it of the idea. Dad said they would hurt me even if I had sorcerers as friends.

My head hurt from thinking way too much.

I looked out the window, hoping the day would be over already.

* * * * * * *

There was only one thought running through my head,

I need to get out,

I need to do something.

I felt like I just ate a boat load of sugar, hyper and active. Everything became clearer. I could smell better, hear better. I could see everything, even in the dark.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Dad said. It was probably for him anyway. "Hello. I'm here to see Ethan. Is he home?" Said a girl's voice.


"Ethan! Someone is here to see you!" Dad called. "Coming!" I yelled back. What the hell is she doing here?

I ran down the stairs and saw that I was right. Lillian stood at the door. "Hi." She said. "'Hey." I said back.

"I was just about to go out anyway." Dad said.


"Remember what I said."

Then he takes his jacket and leaves.

Lillian and I are alone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. "Just wanted to see how you are doing." She said.

Now what?

"Well, since you're here... do you want something?" I jumped down to the bottom of the stairs and opened the fridge, "Help yourself." "Okay, thanks."

There was an awkward silence as Lillian evaluated the food in the fridge. "How'd you know I lived here?" She shrugged,

"My dad is the head of the town's police force. I know where everyone lives."

"That's kind of scary." I said.

She laughed. I never heard her laugh before.She's pretty when she laughs...

Huh, this is weird.

"You okay?" Lillian asked. "No, yeah, I'm fine."

We were silent for a moment when Lillian asked, "That motorcycle out there yours?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Do you use it much?"

"Not much anymore."

"Were you in a motorcycle gang?" She joked.

A smile came to my lips. "You weren't, were you?" "Calm down. I wasn't in a motorcycle gang."

Then more silence.

I kept glancing at the door. I wanted to out there and do something...

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been looking at the door an awful lot..."

"It's nothing." She smiled a little, "Can you show me the motorcycle?" She asks.

I grinned, fresh air.



"Let's go." I said as I jumped off my chair, not wanting to think about that right now. I held the door open for Lillian.

"You know, we could cover a lot more ground with this." She said, "Well, it's... nice that you are looking for someone you have never met."

I smiled a little, "Nicest I've ever been." I said. "I doubt it." She murmurs. "Why's that?" I ask.

"What were you like?" she asks, "I mean before you met us?"

I laugh a little bit and wondered what to tell her, "Well, I did go to school... up until first grade..."

"What did you do?" She asks. Just thinking about it makes me want to laugh.

"Let's just say someone might've ended up in the hospital."

She gasped. "Don't worry, she was fine." I said, still grinning. "Did you get suspended or something?"

"Expelled." I told her, grinning, "One of the best moments of my life." She raised her eyebrows, "Really?"

No, but this is.

Then we went silent, not really talking. I thought about what my dad said.

"Look," I started, not knowing where I was going with this, only the ultimate goal. She looked up at me. "I can't hang out with you guys anymore." She was confused, "Why not?"

"I'm moving back." I said simply.

"Moving back where?" I glanced at the forest, "Back to the forest. To the pack." I said, "My dad's pack. Where he grew up. I can't hang out with wizards there." She sighed, then grinned,

"I thought you didn't like rules."

"Me neither." I said, frowning.

She laughed again. I smiled a little. After a few moments she asks,

"When are you leaving?"

I didn't feel like saying anything so I just shrugged. She raised her eyebrows so I said, "I'll ask my dad. He's on his way."

"How do you know."

Know what?

I looked up at her, confused. "That your dad is coming, how do you know that your dad is coming?" How did I know? "I just do." I said. She didn't press on and I changed the subject.

And we talked.  

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