23 - Cora

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I really, really didn't want to be awkward.

"Let me make some hot cocoa." My mom said and walked into the kitchen. Aidan looked around and the twins walked up to him.

Oh no.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Aidan." he said, smiling at them.

"Oh..." I saw Danny, who was standing behind him, smirk.

"Hey, isn't Blue's Clues on?" I asked. The twins eyes widened. They looked at each other and then they bolted to the family room. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

That's when my brother walked over, "So, Aidan." I had to resist punching him. "What do you want to do when you grow up?"

I groaned, "Really, Danny?" "Yes, really." "Here's the cocoa." My mom said, coming into the room. Thank God. "Thanks mom." I said, taking a mug. "Thank you." Aidan said, taking the other one. "You guys can sit." My mom said, nodding at the couch in the living room. I sat down, and he sat next to me.

"Your parents are cool." he said, then he leaned back and let out a breath, "Must be nice to have all of these siblings."

I nodded, "Yeah we're close. Which makes it harder, when you lose one of them." I felt tears come into my eyes, and I took a shaky breath. Aidan sat back up and put his hand on mine, "Hey, you know what someone told me once?"

I took a deep breath and asked, "What?" "She said one of the worst things that could happen to you is that you aren't able to get over something in your past. Something that haunts you."

I wiped away my tears and smiled, looking at him. He stared back into my eyes, "Did you know that you're eyes are the color of the ocean?" He spoke softly. I felt warm inside.

Aidan made me feel warm inside.

I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt safer than I had felt in a long time.

* * * * * *

"Ready for me to drive you home?" My dad asked. Aidan nodded. I kind of didn't want him to leave. "Okay, come with me." They went into the garage.

When we heard the car leaving, Danny asked, "So he's your boyfriend now, right?"

A smile grew on my face, "I guess."

Danny raised his eyebrows, "You're not gonna even try to deny it?"

I looked at him, "Nope!" Then I walked up to my room. I sat down at my desk and opened up my computer. I still felt... I don't know the word. I couldn't stop smiling. This didn't go as horribly wrong as I expected.

I saw that Jacob was online and then a little bit of a sad feeling returned to me. I wondered if he was doing okay. So I decided to message him.

* * * * * *

A couple of days later, we went back to school. Lillian wasn't on the bus so I just sat where she usually sits. Aidan sat down next to me. He came a little late, so I asked him, "What took so long?" "I slept in." "You were working late last night?" He sighed and I took his hand. My eyes drifted to Jacob. As soon as I made eye contact with him, he raised his eyebrows and smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window to watch the familiar landscapes pass by.

* * * * * *

When we got to history, John made us stay after class, Ashely included. "Again? I want to eat my lunch, man." Jacob groaned. "You need to go here after school okay?" He passed out a half sheet of paper to each of us. "Um why?" I asked. "It's our... I guess you could call it our HQ is." "HQ?" "Yeah, it's not far from here. Someone needs to get the word to Ethan." We all looked at the address. Ashley raised her hand, "What am I supposed to tell my mom?" John shrugged, "Just make up an excuse, like you're going out with your friends or something." Ashely nodded and I rolled my eyes.

"So what are we going to do at this place?" Jacob asked

"This place has better resources to train you right. And I believe you lived there for the first part of your life, Aidan."

Everyone looked at Aidan, shocked. He just nodded, still looking at the paper. Of course he did. I mean, he knew that he was a sorcerer, so why wouldn't he know about their headquarters?

"It's kind of like a town on it's own, but full of people like us."

"Wait, so we might have to live there?" Lillian asked.

"You don't have to, but people stay there because they don't have to keep their magic a secret and can grow as magic users. Werewolves have the same type of thing."

"Dude, it's lunch. I don't want to learn right now."

John nodded, "Yeah, this is probably the last time we will be meeting like this. It's kind of bittersweet, you know?"

Jacob shook his head, "Nope, just sweet." There were sounds of agreement throughout the room.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, you guys like food."

I grinned as I realized that I couldn't be in a group with better people.

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