21 - Ethan

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It was moving day.

"Hey Ethan, are you ready?" My dad asked. I was about to nod, when I forgot that I had to say goodbye to someone. "I'll be right back." I said, and ran out. "Where are you going?!" I heard my dad yell before I closed the door.

I ran to Lillian's house.

It was closer than I thought. Or I was faster than I thought. I was about to go to the front door, but considering who her dad was, I thought better of it and went around the back to her bedroom window.

I knocked on it, and after a few moments, Lillian opened it, "What are you doing here?" "I'm moving." "I know." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to catch up. "Oh! Today? Really?" She sounded sad. "Yeah." I looked at her, and wondered if I would ever see her again. "Come in."

She opened the window wider and I hoisted myself up and over the window pane. "Did you say bye to anyone else?" she asked softly.

I shook my head, "No time. And it would just be awkward if I broke into their houses."

"And it's not awkward if you break into mine?" "Well, I didn't break in. You invited me, remember?" Lillian smiled. I wanted to stand here and talk forever. But we also had something to acknowledge. Lillian seemed to sense it too.

"So..." She stepped closer.

"So." I said back.

I had so much to tell her before I left. I stepped closer too, and took her hands in mine.

"Where are you moving?" Lillian asked softly. "Alagon." She looked up at me, "That's an hour's ride from here."

"Half an hour, if we meet halfway." I said.

She came closer, and our faces were almost touching, "I can do half an hour." she whispered and this time, she was the one who kissed me.

There was a loud knock, and I had to hold back a groan. Every time! "Quick!" she whispered, pushing me into the closet.

"Lillian?" Came her dad's voice. "Coming dad!" she said, closing the door. I heard the creak of the bedroom door opening, "Can I talk to you?" it was her dad.

"Sure, what's up pops?"


"Um, what did you want to talk to me about, dad?"

"You aren't still hanging out with Ethan right?" At my name, I stiffened. What will Lillian tell him?

"Dad, I already told you..."

"I know, I know, but Lillian, you have to know that I'm saying this for your own good."

"Yeah, I know dad." I heard him sigh and give an unconvinced, "Okay. Also make sure you don't go out today. The weather forecast is a lot of snow."

"Alrighty dad, anything else?"

"No, that's it." Then I heard footsteps growing fainter. I opened the closet door, and looked at Lillian.


"So he asked you to stay away from me, huh?" She gave me a small smile, "Yeah. What do you think?"

"I think... he's probably right." I said.

Her smile grew a little wider, "That's what I keep telling myself."

And yet here we are. "Well, you'd better get going, if you want to beat that snow storm." I nodded, "Yeah." I climbed out of the window, glancing at Lillian one more time, before running back to my house.

* * * * * *

I stared out the window, watching the gentle snow fall.

"Hey, everything's all set up, so we can just go home and not have to unpack many things." Dad started. I absently nodded. "Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"Dad? Why do they have that law?"

"What law?"

"The law about werewolves and sorcerers hanging out."

"Oh. Well I don't know the details, but some of the sorcerers accused a pack of killing someone. He was an old friend of mine."

"Did they?"


"Who was he?"

"His name was WIlliam Hunter."

If I was drinking water, I would've done a spit take. Hunter? As in Zee Hunter? I nodded, and resumed staring out the window, this time with a million thoughts zipping around my head.

* * * * * *

I was just really tired of thinking about all of the stuff that had happened in the past week. My dad opened the door, and there waiting were a group of people who yelled, "Welcome home!"

I had to resist groaning and rolling my eyes. My dad, however, beamed, "Thank you guys! Hey, long time, no see.".

Everyone started to talk to each other. One guy and his kid came over to us. The boy was around my age. "Hey!" The man said.

"Damien, it's been a while" My dad responded.

Damien turned to me, "Your kid?" he asked. "I'm right here, you know." I muttered. "Yep, definitely has your attitude." he laughed.

The boy was awkwardly standing behind Damien. "This is my son, James. He's about as old as you, it seems. Maybe you should go play, and the grown ups can talk." James rolled his eyes and I smirked, "Okay." I nodded to him and we made our way to the kitchen.

"So, you're new around here." he said. "Yeah." I replied. A smile appeared on his face, "There's a ritual to joining our group." I raised my eyebrows, "Ritual?" "More like a test. You fail, and you will be a part of the pack, but the pack will never be a part of you."

I looked at him, "That made absolutely no sense."

He shrugged, "They told me to say it." he said as he opened the kitchen door. Inside was one other guy and girl.

"You Ethan?" the guy asked.

I almost laughed. These guys tried to act tough, but you could see right through them. No stone walls here. Unless you count me, of course.

"Who's asking?" I replied. "Him, obviously." The girl said rolling her eyes.

James went over to the other guy and clapped him on the back, "Max is just playing bad boy with you."

Max grinned, "Yeah, all I needed was a motorcycle and a leather jacket to really sell it."

I nodded, "Okay."

"Anyway, the thing is, you need to beat James here in a arm wrestling contest." I scoffed, "What, are you guys too chicken for real wrestling?" "Ha ha." James sat down at the dining table. "A'ight." I said, sitting down across from me.

He put his elbow on the table, and so did I. "Three, two, one." James said, and we started. He was actually pretty strong, I felt my senses get sharper again. This time, I welcomed it, a smirk growing on my face. In no time, his arm was down. "Yes!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. "What'd you expect, challenging the Alpha's son?" Max asked.

James just looked at me and grinned, "Welcome home."

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