22 - Jacob

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It was storming outside like it was a cold hell. I was laying in bed trying to get a good night's sleep.

It was a failed mission.

Sitting up, I eyed my basketball, which was lying in the corner. Raising my hand, I moved my hand towards me. The basketball shot along the floor in my direction. I shook my head. This still felt weird and unfamiliar. Taking a deep breath, I moved my hand. I whispered, "Slowly this-"

The door swung open and the ball shot up into the air, hitting the ceiling pretty hard.

"What are you doing?" My mother asked, walking into the room with soup. "Nothing..." Please tell me she didn't see me use magic... My mom sighed, "You shouldn't be physically exert yourself when you're sick."

"Mom, I feel fine now." I said, getting out of bed, and getting my basketball. I sat back down and she shook her head, smiling, "Alright, well, I made you soup." I grinned, "Thanks."

She put the soup on my night stand and sat down on my bed, "Is there something wrong?" I looked at her, "Why would something be wrong?" "Well no reason, except the fact that you wanted to go to school yesterday, even though you were a zombie, and you haven't hung out with Zee and Cora in a week. So what's wrong?"

I sighed. I wanted to tell her everything about the magic and stuff so badly. But what would she say? Would she call me crazy? I'm sure if she knew about this stuff, she would've told me right? But I had to get it from someone...

"Hey mom, do you believe in magic?" She looked at me weird and I immediately knew that she didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

"Well, your grandparents used to tell me stories all of the time. There were sorcerers and werewolves and some prophecy. They used to tell it to me every night."

Oh. So I did get it from mom, except mom didn't have magic herself? Is my mom like a carrier of the magic gene or something?

"Okay." I replied.


"No reason, just asking." She sighed again and stood up, walking over to the door, "Alright, eat your soup before it gets cold." I nodded, "Love you mom." She furrowed her eyebrows but smiled, "I love you too."

* * * * * * *

We didn't have school for the next couple of days. The day after the blizzard, Cora texted me.

CoralReef7: hey wyd

JakeLovesCake42: dying you?

CoralReef7: Well aidan was at my house

JakeLovesCake42: y

CoralReef7: got caught in the blizzard so we had to stay in a cave, then he used his magic to make a path home

JakeLovesCake42: oh... i thought he didnt like magic

CoralReef7: he doesnt

JakeLovesCake42: o...kay?

CoralReef7: it's a long story

JakeLovesCake42: u dont have to tell me

CoralReef7: good

JakeLovesCake42: wow gee thanks

CoralReef7: your welcome

JakeLovesCake42: *you're

CoralReef7: im leaving

JakeLovesCake42: aw come on im borrrred

JakeLovesCake42: CORA!!!

JakeLovesCake42: :(

It was obvious that she wasn't going to reply so I turned off my and turned on my PS3. The game that popped up was Until Dawn. I remember a lot of sleepless nights because of that game. It reminded me of when everything was simpler. Being scared of fake psychopaths and weird mutated things seem like nothing now.

It's all fake.

But this isn't.

I just wanted to get back to school and feel something normal. Will it be normal? Or will something come up that just messes up my life even more? I wanted to just pretend that all of this never happened.

But I can't.

Zee was such a big part of my life for me to just ignore the gaping hole she left when she ran.

My head hurt and the anger reached a boiling point. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to scream. It was all too much. I got up and opened the window and let the cool air hit my face.

I remember when I flew down from this window. I laughed at how absurd that was. Shaking my head, I sat down on my bed. The room became really cool in seconds. Some snow fell into my room. A smile grew across my face. Closing my eyes I held out my hand and focused. Slowly...

I opened my eyes and saw the snow swirling around me. My smile grew into a grin. I thought of different patterns it could fly in and it flew in those patterns. If I can control the air with my mind... Slowly, I lowered my arm and focused really hard on keeping the snow up and flying around. Then I laid down and made the snowflakes fly above me.

Maybe I traded my life for something that I didn't want, but maybe it's not so bad after all.

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