27. Bad

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I wake up early on Monday morning beyond ready to throw myself back into my work. Anything to get my mind off of the loss of Andrew and the stress of the upcoming holiday. After everything that happened Cory and Topanga had agreed to host the holiday which was a small miracle that I was beyond grateful for. I'm in the shower when I hear Josh walk in. "You excited to get back to work?" Josh asks as he leans against the counter as I turn off the water and climb out, wrapping a towel around myself.

"Beyond" I nod as I reach for my brush and start pulling it through my hair. "Aren't you?"

"I guess" he shrugs. "Are you taking Ems to school or am I?" he asks curiously.

"I can do it unless you want to" I reply as I look over at him. "I don't mind either way."

"I'm assuming you probably would want to get in a little early to get organized since you were gone all week." I nod in agreement.

"I would like to but I'm a mom" I chuckle. "Ems comes first."

"It's no big deal. I'll take her" he volunteers. I smile as I put down my brush and turn to face him.

"Thank you" I smile as I reach forward to peck his lips. "I love you" I whisper as we pull apart.

"Love you too" he replies sweetly. I head back into our bedroom and walk over to my dresser grabbing a bra and panties and slipping them on. I grab a black pencil skirt and an orange blouse and pull them on, throwing my hair into a ponytail before slipping into a pair of black heels. "You look gorgeous" Josh compliments me as he walks back in our room.

"Thanks" I smile. "I think I'm gonna head out. I'm gonna get some coffee and get an early start. Have a good day."

"I will" he says as he catches my wrist pulling me back. "Could you do me a favor?" he asks carefully. I cringe already knowing where he's going with this.

"I work with him" I sigh.

"I know. And I know seeing him is inevitable but can you try not to provoke it. Just stay away from him whenever possible."

"Okay" I give with a sigh knowing that if Josh worked with Callie I couldn't even effectively function.

"Thank you" he smiles softly, letting me go. I take a few steps towards him and give him one last quick kiss before heading out of our room and wandering down the hall to Emma's.

"Hey baby girl. Mama is heading out" I tell her.

"Bye" she waves from her spot on her bed where she's eating Cheerios and watching Doc McStuffins. I chuckle and smile as I walk out of her room and to the living room. I grab my purse and my keys and I head out of the house. I climb into my car and switch the radio to the country station, turning it low as I begin my drive. I pull up to Starbucks and get a black coffee with two sugars and two creams before heading to work. When I get there there's only one other car in the parking lot and I groan in annoyance. I pull open my door and head inside, trying to get right to my classroom but of course that's impossible.

"Morning" Matt says as he catches up to me.

"Hi Matt" I reply shortly, trying to speed up a bit to give him the hint but he increases his speed along with me.

"In a hurry?" he chuckles making me sigh as I stop and spin on him.

"Matt you admitted you have feelings for me. I can't be around you" I sigh.

"Why?" he questions as he takes a step towards me. "Don't trust yourself?" he smirks making my eyes widen as I immediately step back.

"No" I say definitively. "I trust myself completely. I just think that if we keep hanging out then I'm sending you the wrong message."

Rainy Day Wedding ♡ Thunderstorms Sequel ✅Where stories live. Discover now