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When I woke up from my nap, I checked my phone and saw a text from Rachel.

That's fine! I'm glad you're ok. So, you know the way I'm not going on holiday anymore? Do you think it would be ok if I got Megan's ticket and went with you?

I knew it wouldn't be fair if I told Megan she couldn't go anymore, especially since she loves Green Day.

Sorry Rachel. Megan loves Green Day and it would be mean for me to suddenly give you her ticket 3 days before the concert

She replied shortly after.

But it would be so much better with a friend than a sister! You would have tons more fun with me than her. Trust me

Thats when I got annoyed.

Megan is my friend! Yes she's my sister but she's also my friend. She's the closest friend I have! I'm not giving you her ticket! That wouldn't be fair. I'm sorry

Her reply immediately after I sent that shocked me.

You're such a bitch!

How could she call me a bitch? We've been friends for 9 years! We've done almost everything together. I'll admit, since school started after summer this year, we haven't been as close, but we've still been really good friends. Never in a million years could I imagine her calling me something like that. Did I just lose a friend? My only friend from school? Great. Now school is gonna be hell.


Rachel and I haven't spoken since last night. In Physics, she's my partner, but she didn't even look at me once. As I walked into the canteen for lunch, I saw her and Jake sitting at our usual table. I hesitated before slowly walking towards the table. After all, they are the only people who talk to me in this school. Well, at the minute, Jake is the only one who will talk to me. I sat down as Jake said hi to me. I smiled as I saw Rachel's eyes stared directly in front of her. I decided now would be a good time to sort things out.

"Rachel. I'm sorry I didn't give you Megan's ticket. It's just it wouldn't be fair. What if she asked for your ticket and I said yes. How would that make you feel?" I said. "That's different! Because Megan is 9. What does she know?! I bet she doesn't even know the difference between left and right. She'd show no emotion. She wouldn't care! I love Green Day more than she does! I've known them longer!" she snapped. 90% of that was false. "Megan is a very smart kid. She knows more stuff than you do! And fair enough, you've known Green Day longer, but Megan has known Green Day all her life. You've known them longer because you're older. It's not like she only started listening to them last week! She's been excited to go to this concert ever since the date was released 7 months ago! I'm not giving you her ticket and that's that. So stop holding a grudge about it! Let it go." I argued back. I'd never seen her look so annoyed at me before. She shot up out of her seat and stormed off, leaving me and Jake alone.

"What was that all about?" Jake asked suspiciously. "She asked for my little sister's Green Day ticket because she doesn't have one and I said no. Now she's being all moody about it" I explained. "Oh" he replied and we talked about other things.


When I got home, all I could think about what the "fight" between me and Rachel. Are we still friends? Is she really mad at me for something so stupid? I wanted to text her but I knew she either wouldn't reply, or would reply with a big rant and that would kick it off again. I decided to ignore my thoughts about it and watch TV with Megan.

My phone rang and I saw it was Jake. "Hello?" "Hi Lauren! Do you wanna hang out?" he asked. "Sure! I'll meet you in town in 30 minutes?" I asked. "Sounds good!" he responded. I rushed upstairs to get ready and headed out the door.


Jake and I went to Starbucks after we met up. We talked a little about school subjects and Jake's life before he transferred schools. He told me he was bullied at his old school and that's why he moved. He said he knows what I'm going through with Jordan. That made me happy. I have a friend who I can relate to in that way.


I know the real reason I wanted to hang out with Lauren today was to ask her out. She's like the girlfriend I've always wanted. She's funny, kind, and we have the same interests! What more could a guy want? I just didn't know when would be the right time, or how to even ask. When she finished talking about her sister, I decided it was now or never. "So, uh, Lauren. I was wondering... um... what's your favourite Green Day song?" This may be harder than it seems...

Throwing Away my Past, Contemplating my FutureWhere stories live. Discover now