Twenty Four

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I woke up to the deafening sound of my alarm. 6.45am, first day back at school. I crawled out from under the warm duvet, grabbed my clothes, and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.

My head was still slightly painful, but not sore enough to skip school. I'm actually quite excited to go back. I haven't seen Rachel and Jake in what feels like forever. The only thing that worries me is Jordan. I shake off the thought and turn off the shower.

"Hey sweetie" Adrienne greets as I walk into the kitchen. Billie and Jakob were already sitting at the table, Billie with a newspaper in hand and Jakob with a bowl of cereal. "Morning" I reply with a smile as I sit down next to Jakob.

"We have Cocopops, Fruit Loops or Weetabix" Adrienne lists. I decided to go with the healthier option and pick, "Weetabix please". She pours me a bowl and sets it down in front of me with a spoon. "Thank you" I say.

"So, excited to go back to school?" Billie asks, after taking a sip of his coffee, folding his arms, and smiling. I decided to not bring up Jordan because I don't want anyone to worry. "I guess so. I'm really excited to see Rachel and Jake after what feels like years without them. Just not so thrilled to have a pile of work to stress about" I reply. "Nah, don't worry about that. I'm sure your teachers will go easy on you" Adrienne responds as she sits down with a slice of toast. "I hope so" I responded.


"Lauren!" Rachel shouts excitedly as I enter form. She runs over and hugs me tighter than she ever has in the past. "Lauren Armstrong" Jake says with a grin behind me as he enters the room. "Ha ha funny" I reply jokingly, punching him lightly on the arm. "Yeah, can we like, talk about that?" Rachel asks. "Sure. What do you wanna know?" I reply. "Fucking everything. What the hell is it like knowing Billie Joe Armstrong is in the same—". "Shhh!" I cut her off, aware that there are more people in the room. "Oh my god what?!" Sarah Apsley says with shock in her voice. "Nothing. It's just a dream Rachel had last night" I lie. I'd rather not deal with attention right now, considering Jordan will probably use that as a reason to tease me. "We'll talk about it at lunch" I whisper to Rachel and Jake. They both nod and we walk to our seats.


"Well, well, well, look who's back" Jordan teases, approaching our lunch table with a smirk. I keep my head down and try to ignore him. "Hey! Armstrong!" he yells, grabbing my attention. I stare, wide eyed at the table in shock. Sarah clearly can't keep her mouth shut. I slowly look up to face him. "Armstrong slut" he spits. "What do you want Jordan" Rachel fights back. "Not you. Back off. Don't try protect your little friend" he responds. Jordan doesn't tolerate with Rachel because she's tough. He knows not to mess with her. "Walk away right now. Or else, I'll tell everyone how you broke up with your ex-girlfriend" Rachel blackmails.

No one, other than Jordan and Rachel, knows what happened between him and his ex-girlfriend, Kirsten. No one even knows the reason why he won't tell. But what we do know is that it's embarrassing for him.

"I mean it" Rachel finishes. He glares at her, before finally walking away. I feel relief run through my body as he leaves the lunch room. "Thank you so much" I say". "No problem, that's what friends are for, right?" she responds with a smile.


"Okay, don't forget to read chapter 12 and take notes" Mrs Graham says as everyone rushes out to go home. As usual, Rachel, Jake and I are the last students to leave. We don't see the point in rushing out at home time. Sure, you possibly get home earlier, but only by a few minutes. What's the point?

"See you tomorrow Lauren!" Rachel waves goodbye as I part ways with her and Jake. I smile and wave and head to my locker. As I'm putting my books away, I hear footsteps. I look past my locker door to see a bulldogs jacket. Jordan. I hurry up and put everything away, close my locker, and speed walk to the front door. "Don't think you're getting away that easy bitch" Jordan shouts from behind. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer as they go at a faster pace. I start running, make it outside, and frantically look for Billie's car.

As I'm looking, Jordan grabs me by the hair. "Going somewhere slut?" he spits. "Fuck off" I nervously say. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" he says, anger in his voice. He punches me in the stomach, and I fall to the ground.


As I'm waiting for Lauren, I hear a scream, as if someone got hurt. I look out the window, but don't see anything. I decide to investigate, especially because it's 3:12pm and Lauren still hasn't turned up. I climb out of the car and walk through the school gates. I see a boy facing the wall of the school, but no one else is around. "Hey, are you okay?" I yell. He turns around to look at me. "Shit" I hear him murmur, as he runs away. Concern and fear rushing through my body, I quickly approach to where he was standing, only to see the last thing I was hoping, but the first thing I was expecting. Lauren.

A/N: Hello! Sorry it's taken so long to update :/ I just haven't been on Wattpad in a while. I tried to make this chapter as long as possible to (hopefully) make it up to you guys. Thank you so much for 3k reads! I've never had so many people reading any of my books, so this means a lot! <3

Also, I'm meeting dan and phil tomorrow and I'm really nervous but sososo excited!! Let's just hope I don't faint pffff

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and update this week :)

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