Twenty One

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"So what are you doing about school?" Rachel asked. "You better be coming back. It'll be crap if you're not here." I looked at Billie as I had no idea what the answer was. "We'll have to discuss that sometime" he said to me. "Wait what? Is there a chance you won't be going to Oakland High anymore?" she asked with a worried tone in her voice. "Don't worry! I probably will be going back. Besides, Jake's there so I can't exactly leave my..." I paused, realising I hadn't told Rachel about Jake and I yet. "You can't leave your...?" she repeated as if to tell me to finish the sentence. "Rachel, I completely forgot I didn't tell you. Jake asked me out on Saturday" I confessed. "WHAT?! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND I DON'T? HOW IS THAT REMOTELY FAIR?" she yelled. I laughed and said "I know it's crazy right!"

"Ah so Jake's the name" Billie interrupted. I felt my face burn up slightly. "Ah crap my dinners ready. I have to go" Rachel said. "Okay! I'll talk to you later tonight?" I asked. "Yeah I'll ring you later. Have you told Jake about this?" she asked. "No not yet. I told him to ring me when he got the chance" I replied. "Okay. Talk to ya later" she said. "Bye!" I responded.


It wasn't long before Jake rang me. I explained everything to him the same way I did to Rachel. His reaction was more or less the same. "So what's happening with school?" he asked me. "Billie said he's gonna talk about it with me soon. We don't know if I'm going back to Oakland High or if I'm moving. I hope I'm going back" I replied. "Me too. I'd miss you too much" he said.

"Lauren!" I hear Adrienne shout. "I think my dinners ready. I'll talk to you in an hour or so?" I say. "Okay. Let me know asap about the school situation" he responds. After we hang up, I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. When I walked in, Billie and Jakob were already here, waiting for Adrienne to put the food on each of the plates. When they both got their food, they began making their way to the living room, but Adrienne stopped them. "Hey hey hey, we're all going to sit at the table today." They both groaned and asked why. "Because it's Lauren's first dinner here and we want to show her that we're not a sloppy family who always eats in the living room in front of the television" she explained. (No offence to anyone who does that, I do it too. Haven't sat at the table in years lmao) We all picked up a plate each and made our way to the table; Billie and Adrienne on one side, Jakob and I on the other.

"So, this school situation. What would you prefer to do? Do you wanna move to a closer school or stay at Oakland High?" Billie asked me. "Well I'd prefer to stay at Oakland High, but if it's easier for me to move then I'm fine with moving. I'd still be able to see Rachel and Jake every so often" I replied. "Well, you could go to Jakob's school, Skyline High. It's about a 20 minute drive. That is if you're okay with moving. But honestly, the only downside of staying at your current school is having to get up earlier to get there on time" he explained. "So it's really not a problem if you stay." I didn't reply. I was too busy thinking. I mean, I would love to stay at Oakland High and be with my friends. But then again, if I moved, I'd be away from Jordan. I'd have a chance to reinvent myself, and make new friends. More friends. "Listen, I'll let you think about it. I know it's a big decision to make. Just let me know when you've decided" he said. After that, we continued eating while talking about other, less important things.

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