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"We fell in love with the city lights" - Unknown

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"We fell in love with the city lights" - Unknown

I tugged at the flowy emerald green material of the dress I was wearing. Grabbing the champagne flute I took a sip of the expensive alcohol. The sunset was starting to kiss the water as Andrew led the boat out onto the ocean waters. We were leaving the harbor and the waves were beginning to get slightly bigger. It got harder to keep my alcohol from spilling. This wasn't the tiny little fishing boat we were on when we went on our first date. This was a fancy yacht. One that little girls could only dream of marrying into.

I currently sat on the deck at the head of the boat. The wind was blowing softly through my hair. This was the most peaceful I've been in a long time and for once I wasn't worried or stressed about the things going on at home. Even though home wasn't very far away.

Andrew left the helm of the boat. Before I knew it he was standing next to me, his hands rubbing soft circles on my bare shoulders.

"You look absolutely beautiful Erin," Andrew whispered and his voice was like a million tiny angels singing. I could feel the heat rising to my face. He leaned down planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay this is absolutely a dream and I'm not really here." I paused for a moment. Then I had to make a stupid comment that I knew I shouldn't have. "You're trying to murder me aren't you?"

"Oh dear god no!" Andrew bellowed over in laughter. I felt slightly embarrassed.

"Well, this is a dream." I smiled to play it off. Hopefully, my new comment would fix the situation.

He poured a little more alcohol into my glass. I thanked him before he took a seat on the leather couch beside me. His arm wrapped around my body. It was quiet for a moment while we both just took in the beautiful sunset in front of us. The east coast was known for its sunsets.

"Tell me four things about you, that you feel make you truly unique." Andrew's eyes never met mine as he made his demands.

"Like what?" I was ravaging my mind and I wasn't able to think of anything that made me unique.

"Well, that's up to you. What do you think makes you special?"

I had to really think about it. There wasn't anything special. I didn't have any crazy stories about getting kidnapped or any really bad dates. I didn't have any stories about broken bones. I really was just a simple girl who really wasn't that adventurous as a child and even less as an adult. The only thing I have really ever centered my life around was the bridal shop.

"Well, the first one would have to be the bridal shop. Little White Dress was given to me by my father. He started it back when I was just a little baby. When he had a heart attack the shop was handed down to me. I grew up in that shop. I grew up looking at all the dresses and dreaming about one day getting married. Those dreams took up so much of my life that I actually never dated much in high school."

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