If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing?

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Sorry for any mistakes🌺


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.

Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then regress.

The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in early childhood, typically before age three.


Y/N sat down slowly as she reached the small table in the corner of the cafeteria. She hated how loud it was here, but she had no choice. Seeing how the teachers won't allow her to go anywhere else. They feel like she shouldn't be treated any different, even though she is different. As she sat at the table alone, she could just feel all the eyes on her. As she whispered to herself she knew people where watching and talking about her. She could feel it.

It almost made her want to cry. But no, Y/N knew she was better than that, it may be hard for her to understand and think sometimes..but she was far from dumb.

"I mean look at how crazy she is!" Dinah said out loud causing Camila to sigh.

"I know right. She's literally whispering to herself." Another one of Camila's friends Lauren spoke up.

They where all laughing and talking about the weakest girl in school. Y/N. she wasn't so bad to Camila, which is what made Camila so upset when they would talk about her like she was trash.

Camila hated having to listen to her friends talk about such a sweet, innocent girl like that. Camila knew that Y/N was special, but it didn't bother her one bit. She knew she was different. But Camila honestly found a liking in the older girl.

"Guys come on, it's not that funny." She finally spoke up as they continued to laugh and joke about Y/N.

"Camila seriously, why are you always sticking up for that girl?" Another popular girl named Selena asked as she rolled her eyes. Making Camila shake her head and look over all of her friends.

"So you guys are telling me that it's ok to just talk about someone like that. Especially knowing what is wrong with her, I just think it's wrong, and unfair." In all honesty, Camila did feel a special way towards Y/N. but she always thought that maybe it was just out of pity. But her feelings, they where true all Camila needed to do was realize just how true they where.

"Look mila, it's not our fault she's such a freak!" Dinah said making sure she was loud enough for the girl in the corner to hear.

Y/N looked up knowing that they where talking about her. But she quickly looked back down when she noticed how many eyes where on her at the moment. Honestly Y/N was used to it. By now she has realized that she was nobody's favorite person. She only had one true friend and that was her cousin Demi. But sometimes Y/N couldn't help but feel like Demi was being forced to even be around her. She was Demi's older cousin after all. And Y/N knew how much she embarrassed Demi, she didn't mean to. And she couldn't help it. But she still felt bad for putting Demi through this.

Camila rolled her eyes as she stood up and grabbed her tray. Sometimes she wondered why she even hung out with them. They where all rude, and stuck up. But Camila just felt like that's what everyone expected from her. To be miss popular, so she had to play the part.

At least for now.. because she didn't know how long she could keep this up.


"So Y/N, how has your day been so far?" Y/N sighed as she looked up to see Demi standing right in front of her. It was now planning period and as usual Y/N spent her free time sitting outside under her favorite tree.

She really loved this tree, it made her feel less lonely.

"So, what you drawing today?" Demi asked again, hoping to actually get an answer out of Y/N.

But instead Y/N shook her head and pulled her sketch pad closer to her chest. Which wasn't surprising, Y/N hated for anyone to look at her drawings. She drew everyday, but only for her eyes. You'd think that with Demi being her cousin, that she would know better than trying to look at her drawings.

"N-no!" Y/N said loudly as she backed up closer to the tree. "Ok, ok. You don't have to show me." Demi said as she held her hands up in surrender. She wasn't trying to upset her older cousin, she just wanted to get her to talk.

"Well Y/N-" Demi began to say but was cut off by her friends walking up to her. Y/N quickly turned away and pulled her legs up closer to her chest. She knew how mean her cousins friends could be.

"Demi, your really out here talking to this freak again?" Demi sighed "you guys I told you she's my cousin, I have to look after her."

Demi's friend max snorted and shook his head. "Oh well, she's old enough to look after herself right."

"Yeah dems come on she's older than you." Her other friend Jamie said.

"Guys look-" Demi said as she stood up and dusted herself off. "J-just go." Y/N said nervously, afraid that they would make fun of her for even attempting to talk.

"You sure Y/N?" Demi asked and Y/N just nodded her head as she continued to look away from the group of people.

"Well bring your ass Demi!" Demi looked down at her cousin and sighed as she began to walk away.

"See you later freak!" Y/N just shrugged it off, trying not to let it get to her. As she just started back focusing on her drawing.


The 5th period bell rang, letting Y/N know that planing period time was over. That also meant that Y/N's quiet, free time was now over. But instead of getting up Y/N decided to sit there for at least a minute more. All of her thoughts clouding her mind, in overload. It was starting to make her dizzy, and feel a little sick.

The small girl had been through so much in her life, that she'd come to learn just how to deal with the pain. But right now Y/N felt like crying. And that's exactly what she did, she cried..



This is just another thought..Let me know what you guys think💭

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now