Chapter 16 - Hold On

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Gia had seen her sister at her worst. She'd seen her die and then come back again. She'd seen her rushed to hospitals and doctors surrounding her and she'd witnessed the utter chaos that came with being Sarah's immediate family. Still, nothing has prepared her for the attacks. You'd think Gia would be used to seeing her sister in such a state but the truth of the matter was that Gia was always shocked. Shocked that her sister could go from laughing to gasping for breath in the matter of seconds. The funny thing about Sarah is, you never would think she was sick by looking at her. She was always so strong for everyone and showing that she was fine.

But she wasn't.

Sarah was very ill. So ill, she didn't attend regular school or leave the house as often as she wanted.

Gia was always shocked.

However, when she could shake her sight away from her sister, she saw Paxton. The boy that had taken to her over the past few weeks. He'd lost his family, Gia assumed, and though he had a rocky start, he'd fit in with the Price family and Gia couldn't think of home without Paxton around.

He's never seen her like this. A voice whispered in her head. She looked at Paxton, crouched over Sarah, staring at her face, waiting.

"Paxton?" Gia called for him. He remained still.


"What the hell happened?!" An angry voice burst through the door.

Oh, not now!

Paxton clenched his fists and a small growl could be heard building up in his chest.

Michael ran into the room, taking in the sight before his eyes. Sarah was in bed, connected to breathing tubes and IVs to push medicine into her body.

Gia watched as Michael ran in and nearly shoved her aside. He stood next to Paxton and a smirk passed over his face so quickly Gia thought she might have been seeing things. Michael slowly looked over at Paxton and glared at the heavier-set boy.

"You did this." There was no question in Michael's statement. This was an outright accusation towards Paxton and it was bull to Gia.

"No, he didn't-" Gia was cut off by Paxton grabbing Michael and pinning him against Sarah's bookcase. Books started falling everywhere as Michael flailed against Paxton, trying to beat his shoulders, his arms, anything to get him to put him down.

Gia's eyes widened and Justine ran in from the noise.

"Oh my god, Paxton!" She ran to Paxton, trying to get him to let go of the boy he was choking. Michael was a lot of things, but he certainly didn't deserve death.


Gia looked over to Sarah then back at Paxton.

Maybe if I-

"Paxton, Sarah." Gia tried. Paxton stood still, no longer choking Michael but not letting him free.

"Sarah." Paxton's muscles tensed and he finally dropped Michael to the floor. Paxton looked at Gia with a solemn look then huffed, returning to Sarah's side.

"You see?! He's an animal! He's not like us! That thing should be locked away-ugh!" Michael was gasping, clutching at his now-sore neck. His eyes searched the two girls who witnessed his assault, begging for them to choose him over the thing that stood between him and his prize.

"Get out." Justine whispered.

"But you saw-"

"Get out!" She screamed.

Nobody moved.

Paxton growled.

Michael scrambled up from the floor, cursing the entire Price household.

They would regret not listening to him. They would pay for their transgressions.


Hey guys, I'm back! I've been receiving messages from you guys and thought I should update since you guys have been supporting this story for awhile. Everything is going great on my end and I hope you guys all have an awesome day!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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