Chapter 6 - He's Not Human For Sure

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The boy had bad manners.

No, that's an understatement. He had terrible manners. He'd push and shove people out of his way if it meant getting to food, eat everything at the table without leaving something for everyone else, and growl at anyone who tried to stop him.

Sarah rolled her eyes as she witnessed the boy eating everything and anything in sight at the table again. She walked to her room to start her studies for the day and frowned when she found remnants of food sticking to the wall. This was anther bad habit of his; leaving food wherever he could so he could go back and eat it.

"I bet he's not human." she mumbled to herself and headed to her room for the rest of the morning.

When she came out, it was already after noon and she began unpacking some of the stuff they had left. However, the boxes probably weighed more than she did so she'd have to get creative.

And then Michael came in.

"What is this, you still haven't packed?"

Upon hearing his voice, Sarah let out an irritated sigh. "We have but we still have a few boxes left."

He chuckled at her response, causing the boy to look up at him, a piece of bread in his mouth. This caused Michael to stumble back some.

"He's still here? I heard about Justine taking some animal in, but seriously, kick him out!" He hollered, pointing at the boy.

The boy growled at Michael, making him back off ever so slightly.

Sarah sighed again. "If my mother thinks he should stay then I guess he can stay." She turned back to her boxes and tried lifting the heavy boxes once again, to no avail. Sure, they were filled to the brim with the family's books, but how heavy could it be?

Sensing her distress, Michael rushed over and pushed her to the side.

"You can't even lift a box and you expect to be my wife in the future?" He scoffed at her. As soon as he turned to lift the box, she glared daggers at his back.

He had this notion in his head that, if he helped her family out, she'd marry him. He thought she was stunningly beautiful, and that she would be the perfect trophy wife, with some training, of course.

He heaved and heaved, trying to lift the box he saw her struggling with, but couldn't do much. He kicked the box in outrage and immediately regretted it as his toes began to throb.

"This is a woman's job! Why am I doing your work for you?" He pointed at her. "Everything is your fault," he continued on. "You should just stay in your room for the rest of your li--OW!" His tangent was cut off as something grabbed his wrist. He turned and saw the boy from before, bread in his mouth as he growled at Michael. Wrist still in hand, the boy clenched down and felt a relieving pop as he crushed his wrist in half. Michael cried out in pain, kneeling to the ground, trying to pull his wrist free of the boy's grip.

Sarah came up to them slowly, shocked of the boy's actions. "H-hey, stop." She whispered.

The boy continued to crush Michael's wrist.

"S-stop." She said a little louder.

He didn't hear her, all he could feel was rage. This man waltzed in like he owned the place and dared to hurt the people who had taken care of him. His inner beast was coming out, he could feel it as he crushed the man's wrist.

"Stop!" Sarah yelled, grabbing hold of the boy's free arm and giving a slight tug.

He heard her then. The beast turned to her, reading her concerned face. This man meant something to her. He didn't know what, but this man was probably someone important. He couldn't disappoint these women. Not after all they'd done for him.

He dropped the man's hand and gave a low growl in his direction as he crawled away from him.

Michael got up and ran to the door. "You're fucking crazy!" He yelled as he ran out.

Sarah's eyes widened as the boy kept his attention on her. He had most likely just broken Michael's wrist. The man responsible for her dead father's company and who practically owned her family.

"Why?" Was all she asked.

The boy turned to the boxes she and Michael had been struggling with. Without even a grunt or anything showing the box was heavy, he lifted it and dropped it to the side, so she could get to the boxes underneath.

Sarah stood still, watching.

The boy sat back on the ground, eating his bread loaf.

Well, I'm back! Sort of.

School's started and updates won't come out as much as I would like them to, but I hope you all enjoy this update! If you want, vote and comment, as it gives me that extra push to update.

My other stories will be updated as well, with time, but I just wanted to update this one first because of the responses I've gotten from several people on it!

Have a great day!

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