"The worst day"

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The worst day by far was when Gerard's school called home, informing his father that he had been caught skipping class, and not only that, but kissing a boy as well - which he had been.

The cute new kid in his study hall period named Ryan had managed to convince Gerard to bunk off with him, and Gerard was so short on friends that he didn't think twice before sneaking out, not wanting Ryan to instantly assume that Gerard wasn't worth his time.

Gerard was pretty sure he was gay by this point, not that he had ever been given the chance to explore his sexuality before, but he had always found boys prettier than girls.

He leapt at the chance to spend time with Ryan, because he was gorgeous, and even if he wasn't interested in men, Gerard couldn't deny his initial attraction to him, so just being noticed by him had Gerard's stomach churning with what he could only describe as butterflies.

Ryan hadn't been at their school long enough to learn to avoid Gerard like everyone else had, and even though he would most likely figure it out sooner or later, maybe Gerard could manage to make a good enough first impression that he would stick around, or maybe not, but Gerard didn't want to think about the future right now, so he chose to live in the present.

Ryan immediately grabbed Gerard's hand once they had exited the classroom, dragging him outside into the abandoned courtyard, his small giggles breaking up the sound of their footsteps as they sprinted toward their temporary freedom.

They ensconced themselves behind a nearby wall, hiding their bodies from any prying teachers that might be lurking about, gazing around nervously to make sure that their impromptu escape hadn't caught the attention of someone in a position of authority.

"Thanks for coming with me," Ryan grinned, digging in his bag for a pack of cigarettes, handing one to Gerard who eyed it suspiciously before taking it gingerly.

"No problem," Gerard mumbled, his eyes gazing down at his scuffed up shoes as Ryan's knees brushed against his own.

"No - seriously, it was really sweet of you," Ryan insisted, holding up his lighter to the end of Gerard's cigarette, a bubbly laugh emitting from his chest as Gerard hacked painfully once he inhaled the acrid smoke. "I knew you seemed like the kind of person who would skip class with me, and I really need the company right now."

And even though Gerard wasn't sure what had led Ryan to this assumption, because he didn't think he looked like a rule breaker, he simply hummed in affirmation, letting Ryan do all of the talking as he tried not to cough too loudly while sucking on his first cigarette idly.

Ryan went on to explain how much he hated it here, and how unfair he thought it was that his mother had forced him to move just because she had divorced his father. She had made him leave everyone he knew behind, including his boyfriend Brendon, who had broken up with Ryan on their last day together, claiming that long distance relationships never worked, although he still loved Ryan supposedly.

Gerard listened intently throughout Ryan's tirade, feeling a kinship to the boy who seemed just as unhappy as he was, even though it was for different reasons, but still - Gerard could relate to Ryan.

He shared his anger, his hopelessness, his misery, but he didn't know how to convey that in words, so he found himself shyly grasping Ryan's hand instead, linking their fingers when Ryan smiled down at him in appreciation.

Gerard hadn't planned on kissing Ryan that day, or ever actually. It was obvious that he was still caught up on Brendon, but when the topic somehow turned to Gerard, leading Ryan to discover that Gerard had never been in a relationship, or even been kissed for that matter, Ryan suggested that he help Gerard out with the second problem at least, slating their mouths together when Gerard gave him a slow nod in return, his warm lips pressing against Gerard's as he melted into the intimate act.

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