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"Pete...I think I like Frank," Gerard announced one day out of the blue, causing Pete to nearly choke on the pizza he had been chewing beforehand.

Once Pete had swallowed the rest of his food without dying, he began to laugh, confusing Gerard with his odd reaction. He didn't seem upset at the very least, which Gerard had been afraid would happen when he finally confessed to his long-term crush on Pete's best friend.

"I know," Pete finally wheezed out, wiping his eyes dramatically in the process. "He's basically all you have been talking about for the past four months."

"That's not true," Gerard mumbled sullenly, even though it sort of was, but he couldn't help it that Frank was so interesting, or that he seemed like the only thing that could convince Gerard to get out of bed in the morning some days.

Gerard never thought he would actually be able to find someone that captured his attention, his fear of people in general usually saw to that, but Frank was different - he was special.

He was so kind to Gerard, even though he had no reason to be, and he always made time for him, no matter how early or late it was. He even went out of his way to hang out with Gerard during his visits, spending the majority of his weekend at home with Gerard instead of with Pete, the person he had supposedly come to see.

"It's okay Gee, he likes you too," Pete chuckled, apparently finding this entire situation hilarious for some reason that Gerard couldn't understand.

"He does?" Gerard exclaimed once Pete's words had sunk in, his body leaning across the table eagerly as Pete continued to shake with laughter, because this was news to Gerard.

Before today, he hadn't even been sure if Frank liked boys, and he had been too terrified to try and pry into his sexuality, no matter how badly he had been dying to know.

"Yes - I don't know how you haven't noticed. Nobody stays up until two in the morning talking to someone on the phone unless they have some sort of feelings for them."

"Oh - well...what do I do now?" Gerard questioned, unsure of how to proceed since he had never had a real boyfriend before, if Frank would even want to be his that is.

"You tell him how you feel," Pete scoffed, rolling his eyes affectionately in Gerard's direction as he spoke. "He's coming back to Jersey for the summer soon, so that would be a good time to do it."

"I - I'm scared," Gerard admitted softly, because even if Pete swore that Frank was attracted to him, that didn't mean that everything would simply fall into place.

Gerard had learned from experience that things rarely worked out in his favor, so why would this be any different?

"Well don't be, because Frank is fucking head over heels for you, he pretty much has been since day one, but uh..." Pete paused for a moment, biting at his bottom lip before continuing warily. "You should know something about Frank though, and it's not bad, but it might freak you out a little bit."

"What?" Gerard questioned fearfully, his mind instantly jumping to worst case scenarios involving Frank actually being a serial killer or something like that.

"Frank doesn't really do normal relationships, he...fuck - I don't know how else to say this, but basically...Frank is a dominant, and he expects his partner to be his submissive."

"Like...a slave sort of thing?" Gerard squeaked, his dreams of a perfect relationship with Frank quickly going up in smoke when he pictured himself kneeling at Frank's feet in a leather outfit, which was his first thought when he heard the words dominant and submissive.

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