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The sound of the shower cutting off snapped Gerard out of his reminiscent state, because right now, he wanted to live in the present, which involved a freshly cleaned Frank who was going to be expecting Gerard upstairs at any moment.

So with one last shake of his head, Gerard hurried into their shared bedroom, stripping off his clothes once the door was closed behind him, knowing Frank always got impatient when he had to remove them himself.

Frank grinned as soon as he spied Gerard waiting for him on the bed, quickly shedding his towel before joining his boyfriend on the mattress eagerly, his eyes raking over Gerard's naked skin in appreciation.

"So gorgeous baby, never gonna get tired of seeing you like this," Frank murmured lowly, his praise releasing small jolts of pure joy throughout Gerard's blood stream, the sensation only amplifying when Frank leaned down, pressing his warm lips against Gerard's mouth hungrily.

"Love you," Gerard whimpered when Frank pulled away briefly, needing to say the words aloud for some reason although he was well aware that Frank knew how much he cared for him.

"I love you too," Frank whispered reverently, his eyes lighting up as Gerard moaned softly in the back of his throat, the combination of Frank's naked body pressed against his and his declaration bringing him a sudden rush of pleasure that had his muscles quaking with need.

They didn't speak much after that, Frank's mouth was busy marking up Gerard's skin, which he loved more than he had originally thought he would. The purplish bruises his lips left behind always thrilled him when he spied them later on in the mirror, and Frank was more than happy to provide him with a plethora of them.

Gerard felt himself becoming pliant and relaxed under Frank's assault, his chest heaving lightly as Frank moved down toward his nipples, licking and sucking at the sensitive buds liberally as he hummed softly in appreciation.

His hands clenched into fists as his cock swelled rapidly, the heat pooling in his lower belly simmering as Frank's touch trailed lower, his palm grazing over Gerard's erection lazily, his lips tugging upward into a grin when Gerard hissed loudly.

"So responsive," Frank murmured happily, his gaze meeting Gerard's for a moment as he reached over to grab the bottle of lube out of the nearby dresser.

It had taken Gerard ages to become comfortable making noise in the bedroom, and Frank always made sure to compliment him when he allowed himself to let go.

"Need you," Gerard gasped out, his spine arching when Frank began rubbing one slick finger over his hole, not pushing it in yet like Gerard wanted him to, but giving him enough stimulation to have him breaking out in a light sweat.

"I know," Frank replied darkly, his pupils dilating widely as he stared down at Gerard's entrance, watching as he pushed two digits inside at the same time.

Gerard's muscles instantly accepted the intrusion, the slight sting he felt at being stretched so suddenly was insignificant compared to the fullness that quickly followed.

Gerard whined harshly as Frank scissored his fingers widely, his eyes fluttering closed as his prostate was nudged occasionally. The feather light touches were quickly driving Gerard insane. His hips twitched up into the empty air in a pointless attempt at receiving some sort of friction, even though he knew he was going to be made to wait.

Frank didn't tease Gerard for much longer though, which he was very thankful for. He was still sufficiently stretched from last night when Frank had fucked him with a vibrator and then his cock straight after, so Frank's fingers were sort of unnecessary right now, but he wasn't going to argue with Frank. He always wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to hurt Gerard, and the gesture still touched him after all this time.

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