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You guys have probably seen it, if not, please go to Tessa's newest video to know what I'm talking about.

Right now I just feel really empty, and when I feel empty that's not good, but this is not about me.

God, this is difficult.

I want to let you guys know that I will NOT be stopping this fanfic. I will definitely finish it because there's no reason to just stop writing, even considering recent events.

I want to let you guys know that you can PM me, or DM me on insta and I will talk to you. I don't have any friends IRL that are invested in Chessa, and when you're in my situation I know these things can be difficult. I'm just glad I've made Internet friends that ship it so it's easier for me, but I know that some of you guys don't have any Chessa shipper friends so I will gladly talk to you, but I might be asleep by the time you message me. It's 3:45am where I live so I've already stayed up for quite a long time. I will try to stay awake as long as possible for you guys 💜.

I've seen people threaten to self harm because of chessa.

DO NOT DO THAT. It won't help anything, believe me. You will end up regretting it so much in the future, all because of a ship.

Even then, Tessa said herself that she doesn't know what will happen in the future. Even if it's years from now, if they're meant to be, they'll find their way back to each other. I know it.

Anyway, I love you guys and I know it's difficult, but we'll be okay. If Chance and Tessa are happy then I will try to be too.

- 💜💜

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