12 - Okay

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'Aw, they seem to be friends again. Chessa are good!' - dolanschessa

"We're not telling anyone, right?" he asked, sitting on the end of her bed.

"Not yet. They'll probably freak out," she replied, giving a small smile, "To be honest, they'll probably start to act suspicious when they realise that you're in my room." Tessa laughed softly.

"They'll be fine." Chance simply stated, pulling himself closer to Tessa and then resting his head against the headboard.

"I'm sorry." She said, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the two.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked, putting an arm around her.

"For avoiding you, and everyone, and making it seem like I hated you."

"You've already apologised for that, and I've said it was fine. There is a tiny amount of things that you can do to make me upset at you."

"I know that, but I still feel really bad."


"What?" she asked, looking up at him, finally meeting his eyes.

"Don't feel bad."

"Easier said than done." she smiled, before going to rest her head against his chest.

They stayed in that position for a while, before Tessa began to drift off to sleep.

"I woke up at 6am." Tessa mumbled tiredly, yawning while snuggling into Chance's chest.

Before he could respond, Tessa's breathing had slowed down and he could tell that she was fast asleep. He sat there for a few minutes, watching her chest rise and fall before slowly starting to drift off, too. No matter how hard Chance had tried to keep himself awake, his eyelids felt heavier and heavier by the second.

Soon, he could hardly open them.


"Tessa! I need to talk to you!" Erika burst into the room, causing the two to jump apart.

"Oh. Was I interrupting something?" She said, crossing her arms and smiling suggestively as she looked down at the pair.

"No, we were just asleep." Tessa replied as if it was no big deal, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah. I guess we're lucky that it was you who walked in." Chance mumbled, still not completely awake.

"Damn right you are," Erika laughed, "Anyway, as I said, I need to talk to Tessa."

"Okay." Chance replied, stretching before relaxing into the same position he had been in before.

He watched Erika standing near the door, arms crossed and tapping her foot expectantly.

"Oh, you want me to go. Right." he realised, jumping off of the bed only to be replaced by Erika.

The girls heard the door shut behind them and then turned to each other.

"So?" Tessa asked, curiosity obvious on her face.

"We need to talk about you and Chance."

"Why?" Tessa asked, curiosity quickly changing to confusion.

"I love and support it, I really do, but are you sure that you'll be okay? What if something goes wrong? You live in the same house."

Tessa breathed in deeply before sighing, letting the words that Erika had said process. Her eyes wandered around the room as she thought before finally landing on Erika when she had come to her conclusion.

"You're right." Tessa smiled, shrugging her shoulders while letting out a small laugh.

"But?" Erika asked, smiling faintly.

"It's worth the risk." she slowly said, softly emphasising each word.

Erika nodded in return, patting her friend lightly on the knee.

"As long as you're sure," she said, getting off of the bed, "I'll always be here to support you, I hope you know that."

"I do. We want to keep this a secret for now though, but you probably already knew that." Tessa smiled as she looked up at her friend.

"Yeah. Well, you'll probably want to come down soon. They'll start wondering where you are."

"Yeah, good call." Tessa replied, realisation flashing across her face before jumping up.

She grabbed her phone from the other side of the bed, checking the time before casually walking down with Erika. It was just past 11am, and she started to feel hungry. Even though she had bought groceries earlier in the morning, she didn't feel like making anything and decided to go out to eat.

"Do you want to go get food with me?" Tessa turned her head, asking Erika.

"I can't, I'm busy today." Erika sighed.

"Oh, I'll ask someone else, it's fine."

At the bottom of the stairs, Erika and Tessa had went their separate ways, Tessa heading to the kitchen where most of the team still were, and Erika heading to her own room.

"Hey, does anyone here want to go out for food with me?" Tessa announced, looking around at everyone.

The office had recently been moved into the area nearby the kitchen so most people were in the same place. The majority of the group shook their heads, mumbling about how they had already eaten not long ago.

"I could eat." Chance said casually, pushing himself off of the counter.

This caused the rest of the team to look around nervously, unaware of the fact that they were on good terms (and even better).

"Yeah, just let me grab my vlog camera."

"Yeah, I'll grab my shoes."

They then walked up together, talking to each other.

"What the hell was that?" Jake laughed, confused just as much as the rest of the group.

"They're fine now." Meg shrugged, going back to her laptop.

"Since when?" Nick exclamed, just as confused as Jake.

"I guess since today." Anthony smiled, agreeing with Meg.

The pair them came rushing down the stairs a few minutes later, unaware that most of the group were starting at them as if they were aliens.

"Bye guys!" Tessa chirped, holding the door for Chance before walking out after him.

"Bye?" came a confused reply from most of the team, before they decided to forget about it and go back to their work.


I've been editing a lot over on insta, I hope you guys can forgive me.

Anyway, I hope that you liked this update.

As always, thank you for reading, see you next time.

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