Harrison X Reader: Entertainment

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This was requested by MaxProtectionSquad thank you so much for requesting!!! Sorry this isn't as fluffy as what I originally had in mind but I still hope that you enjoy it! \^w^/

- Ghost

Being injured sucked.

Before today if anyone had asked you if you wanted to spend a day away from the camp activities you wouldn't have even let them finish before jumping at the chance - some days they were just a little too unbearable and you would have much rather spent your time in your tent reading the day away than running around doing stuff you clearly weren't interested in. But now that the day had finally come you couldn't have been in a more sour mood about it if you even tried.

You sucked in a breath as you shifted about, situating yourself into a more comfortable position whilst paying mind of your leg to avoid putting too much weight on it as it settled back down; the chair you were seated on was no-where near as comfortable as you wished it was and your back was aching from sitting upright for so long, but with your leg propped up on the table and with its current condition moving wasn't going to be on your agenda anytime soon.

It was impossible to tell from looking at your leg that anything was wrong with it in the first place so when you'd first toppled over on the way to the mess hall earlier in the day you'd thought it was no problem, which of course was then proven wrong as every attempt to step on it after that had pain shooting up the limb. Your attempts to play it off went unsuccessful and before you knew it you were carted off to the infirmary (which was really just a room with a small bed that you really weren't keen on going near, a table and a single chair) and sat down where you were told not to move until someone came to take you back to the mess hall.

That of course had been a good hour or two ago, and you were quickly growing bored of just waiting around.

Your eyes wandered over to the infirmary door with a sigh, glaring half-heartedly at the exit as if it would suddenly open and one of the counselors would come to finally take you out of this dingy little room, but alas like all the times before nothing happened and you were stuck staring at the dull wooden structure, huffing the longer time seemed to drag on

...It wasn't too far, maybe it you were careful enough-!

You nearly jumped out of your skin as a sudden knocking came from your right and your head snapped round to the window, expression morphing to that of confusion upon seeing a familiar face tapping on the glass.


Curious as to why he'd appeared so suddenly you leaned over to the window, struggling a little to grasp the latch in your hand but you managed to get it open from where you were seated with little difficulty; with the latch unlocked Harrison was able to pull it open from his side and as he leaned against the windowsill you spoke. "Harrison, what're you doing over here?"

The illusionist offered you a sheepish smile and pulled himself up onto the windowsill, slipping inside and leaning back against it as he replied. "Some of us back at camp got worried when you were gone for so long, so David let me come to keep an eye on you!"

Honestly you were surprised any of them had even noticed you were gone, after all you weren't exactly the most involved camper so you lack of presence shouldn't have really surprised them that much; still you were glad that they hadn't forgotten about you entirely, not to mention it was a little relieving to have someone else here with you instead of wallowing in boredom for god knows how much longer. You sighed but offered him a smile nonetheless. "That's fair, I guess - thanks for checking up on me"

"It's no problem!" he chirped in response.

For a brief moment there was a beat of silence between the pair of you, not really knowing where to go with the conversation and you absentmindedly shifted around a little more in a vain attempt to keep comfortable, only to huff in discomfort feeling your leg offer resistance from the movement. Harrison perked up at this and glanced down at the injured leg, clearly surprised that it was causing you pain from such little movement and sensing his concern you waved your hand nonchalantly. "Don't worry it's not that bad; Gwen says it's just a bruised muscle or something at worse I'll probably be fine by tomorrow" you stated, taking his nod as the end of that part of the conversation as you fell into quiet once more.

...well, this was awkward.

There clearly wasn't anything to do in here that could be really used to start up any more conversations (unless he was as interested in finding out what the hell was marking that old infirmary bed as you currently were) and Harrison could probably see by this point just why you were so bored being holed up in this stupid dusty room and would probably leave to go back to the other characters soon enough-

"Hey, (Y/N)? Harrison asked, clearing his throat and you turned back to face him, only to pause as a row of cards were suddenly thrust towards you; confused, you peeked over the cards and quirked a questioning eyebrow as he shot you a smirk, clearly waiting for you to take one of the cards from his hand. You wouldn't say you believed all of his little tricks as 'magic' but his skill with it was always damn impressive - so if he wanted to try a few out you guess it wouldn't hurt, you could use the entertainment anyways.

You met his expectant gaze with a smirk of your own and mocked sighed, raising your hand up to the card row and picking a card that caught your eye as you spoke.

"Hmph, well I guess I can play along for a while."


You were pretty sure that both of you had ended up losing track of time - you were so engrossed with Harrison's magic tricks that your face was already feeling the strain from how constantly you'd been grinning and chuckling at his display; Harrison seemed to be equally keen to show of his prowess, only growing more ecstatic whenever your face lit up a particularly fascinating trick which drove him to show off even more. By the time he'd concluded his last trick you were grinning from ear to ear, eyes bright with mirth as you applauded. "That was amazing! I don't know how you manage half of them but you're brilliant at it!" You beamed, watching him huff proudly enjoying your praises.

"It's all part of the magic my dear~!" he replied, smiling at your words; sadly his smile didn't last very long as he turned back over to the window.

"Whoops, I think I got carried away again - I probably should have been back a while ago" he muttered. It wasn't quite night but you knew that the day would be wearing down soon enough and you frowned. It hadn't been that long had it?

"Yeah you might want to start heading back to the other campers - y'know, let them know that I'm not dead over here" You sighed, gaining a laugh from the illusionist as he straightened his posture, stretching as he fully turned himself towards the window. You didn't really want to be stuck here on your own again but you watched him nonetheless, waiting for him to leave; however right as he neared the windowsill he suddenly paused.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" You opened your mouth to speak, only to blink in surprise as he swiveled back around and held out his hand to you, curled up for a moment before he opened it and you gasped looking down at what now lay in his hand.

A flower - yep that was definitely a flower.

"I-Wha-I-How?!" You sounded ridiculous trying to find what to say, staring down at the flower as if it would just disappear into thin air and you flushed a little hearing Harrison laugh amused by your reaction; you coughed and swiftly stopped yourself from babbling out anything else and reached out to pluck the flower from the palm of his hand, twirling it between your fingers as you admired the petals that hadn't been disturbed in the slightest from being in his grip.


"No problem" Harrison smiled, giving a little tip of his hat before he finally turned back over to the window and slipped back outside, turning to offer one last wave before disappearing out of sight. You looked back down at the flower in your hand, noting how it faded from white at the centre to your favorite color just barely brushed against the tips and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks warm up at the subtle touch; and yet even then you couldn't help but make one last quip before he got out of earshot.

"You could have used the door you know!!!"

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