David X Depressed!Reader: Here For You

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This was requested by maky_is_edgy I'm really hoping that this one turned out okay since it's a pretty sensitive subject ^^ I might have made this one a bit too personal so I'm sorry if David seems a bit out of character in this but I really hope that it's okay

- Ghost

Your stare was blank, eyes locked onto the wall right in front of you for god knows how long as you lay curled up in your bed; you'd been awake ever since the early morning, something that wasn't really too uncommon for you, but you couldn't find it within yourself to move, the most you were able to manage being a few sluggish movements to curl yourself up into a ball before you ceased movement entirely.

Your brain felt heavy and slow, flooding your mind with all manners of horrific thoughts that made you feel sick to your stomach and only prompted you to tighten your grip on yourself as your nails dug into your arms, silently begging that the pain would cause your mental torture to cease by some miracle. It was all to no avail though - your attempts to remain composed and calm were failing miserably and you felt yourself go cold upon feeling the all too familiar pattern setting in; it felt like a battle, one that had you sometimes thinking that you were on the losing side, and while you eventually pulled yourself together long enough to move on with your life it never made it any easier when these days crept up on you without warning, knocking you down from your perch on stability and trying desperately to pull you down into that inky blackness you wanted no part of with each and every day-


These thoughts were getting out of hand, they were betraying you and you could already feel your heart wrenching painfully within your chest as your hands darted to clutch your pyjama shirt, the flimsy fabric straining under your grip as you twisted it up in your fist; you didn't know what to do, your head was reeling and you felt nauseous even though you knew that you weren't physically sick and the sickening feeling alone forced a whimper out of you as you curled in further on yourself trying to block it all out.

From the other side of the bed you felt the mattress shift and you froze, realising that in your panic that you'd woken up your partner in the process and yet you didn't turn over to face him, instead you remained as you were, waiting for the inevitable rise from the bed as he made his way over to your side of the bed.

You shivered feeling a hand cup your cheek, the warmth spreading through you and you unconsciously shifted your head into the touch as a familiar face appeared within your vision. Vibrant green eyes bore into your own, brimming with concern yet gazing at you with such softness and understanding you felt your taut muscles gradually beginning to unwind now that you had the supportive presence beside you, relaxing inch by inch even though you still remained in your position.

"Good morning" his voice was gentle and soothing, with no questions about if you were okay for you both already knew the answer and you were grateful that he already knew what to do as your eyes flickered up to meet with his own as you responded.

"Morning, David" you inwardly cringed at your voice, groggy and barely above a whisper despite your attempts to speak clearly and you cursed yourself for the blunder.

David offered you a warm smile, his thumb gently running slowly across your cheek moving rhythmically as if to provide comfort and you forced the thought to the back of your mind to try and focus on the typically overactive man. The early hours of the morning showed a new side to him, a side only you were privy to, where his demeanour was calmer and he took things at a more languid pace more focused on the here and now rather than excitedly babbling about the plans for the day; these times didn't last for long but you cherished them nonetheless, especially now as leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your forehead and you hummed at the pleasant sensation as he pulled away just enough to press his forehead against your own, his smile knowing as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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