Secret Love -Sascha Zverev

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I clap as I watch the ball sail long. Sascha had won yet another ATP Masters 1000 title. It's his second of the year. Sascha is my favorite player and I love when he wins.

This is my second year as an ATP journalist/interviewer. That means I get to sit one-on-one with the rising star and ask him a few questions along with sitting in on his press conference. Is he really a rising star anymore? No rising star wins two masters titles.

It's safe to say this player has made it to the level we are all expecting him to achieve.

Eagerly I get a bigger camera lens out so I can take pictures for the story and can't fight the feeling of smiling.

I watch on as the trophy ceremony comes to an end and make my way to the locker room. We have an interview scheduled for after the match in the hallway. I wait as I see Sascha's team walk past me, all giddy with excitement. This is a win for all of them, not just the player.

Sascha's team works so hard and there is never one person doing more than another. They all pull their own weight when it comes to doing what's best for Sascha.

Next I see two hands around a trophy awaiting to see the face that holds it. He is however stopped and I can only see half of him as he awaits the rest of the turn around the corner. As he thanks the person for their congratulations he makes his way to his locker room, passing me, giving a smile my way.

"I'll be right out in a minute" he grins then walks inside.

I feel the butterflies in my stomach awaking, taking flight. Sascha is very attractive and I do have feelings for him but no one can know the truth of the matter.

I play with my fingernail, sighing that they aren't looking their best anymore. I hear a door open and the punch line to a joke as Sascha comes out into the hallway.

"Hey, how are you?" He acts like a perfect gentlemen.

"I'm very well. I'd ask how you are doing but I bet I know the answer" I say and we both chuckle.

Turning the camera on I ask the first of the three questions. "Sascha, congratulations first off. This is your second Masters 1000 title in a year which is a big accomplishment. Does this give you the confidence to consider yourself a big contender for big matches and to be one of the top stars in the tennis world?"

"Well, thank you. Yeah this is a big title, my second Masters and I'm happy. I'd like to think I can always play my best tennis and be a contender for big tournaments. My next step has to be doing this well in a Grand Slam. The US Open is coming so I'm hoping I can keep my game at this level or even better if possible." He smirks.

"What are your goals for the rest of the season and now that you are having so much success have they changed from the beginning of the season?" I question, looking right into his seaful, blue eyes.

"My goals at the beginning of the season were to make the NextGen Finals as well as the regular Finals. I've qualified for the NextGen Finals and I'm at a good place to qualify for the regular Finals. I wouldn't say my goals have changed or anything but they are more realistic. Of course I hoped to win a Masters 1000 title but my team and I knew we would have to play some tough players and it wouldn't be easy. Now that I've won my second I know I'm capable of some goals" He explains.

"Last question, Sascha, you started a new partnership with former champion Ferrero and have yet to lose. What were your expectations from this new coach/player partnership when you first started together?"

"When we first started we actually didn't think we would win all these matches and big tournaments. Obviously you don't want to lose matches but I'm surprised and very happy with how I've been playing since he joined the team. He's helped my game and I'm more aggressive and I hope we don't lose anytime soon together" he laughs.

"Thank you Sascha. Congratulations on the big win!" I smile as I turn the camera off.

I let out a sigh of relief, knowing my job is over for the day. Well I only have the press conference. All I have to hit is record on the camera which is simple.

Turning around to place my camera in my bag I feel a hand on my waist.

"You did amazing." I see him nudging his face closer and closer to mine. "No one will notice" he says before closing his eyes, his forehead resting on mine.

"Sasch, there are people around. No one can know about us or I lose my job" I take a step away from him, allowing the distance between us to grow again. He pouts.

He is so cute when he pouts. "Y/n, we've been together for seven months no one will care. If you've done this good of a job when they didn't know we were together why would they fire you when they find out about us" he puts his hand on my face, caressing it with the side of his thumb. He takes another step towards me.

"Sascha, I'm just not ready yet. Go, you have a press conference" I smile half-heartedly. He leans in first to peck my lips before walking down the hallway.

Am I really choosing my job over the man I love?

Hope you enjoy!

Comment who you would like an imagine with or who the next one should be about.

So some people have been saying they want a lot Sascha I was considering doing a story about him and thought this might be a good storyline. If you would like to see this imagine turned into a Sascha story please let me know in the comments!

Thank you!


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