Hitting Partner-Dominic Thiem

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Y/n pov

Grabbing my racket I pull off the over grip and place a new, cleaner one in its place. It takes only a few seconds until it is finished. As a professional tennis player I could do this in my sleep.

Standing up I sip my water, heading back to the baseline to train.

"Come on sweet pea. I don't have all day" Domi sasses from across the net.

"You have all day to get beaten by me!" I remind him.

We both exchange words of trash talking for a little while then hit the ball. I love my practices with Dominic. We are both so competitive and love being around each other. I mean how could you not love being around such a positive, happy person? He's contagious.

After working on our back hands, forehands, and cross courts we take a break to talk to our coaches.

I sit on my seat and place my bag on Domi's chair as a joke. Instead he sits on the ground in front of me and leans on my legs, not allowing me to move or get up. I laugh, "Dominic!" I can't complain my annoyed laughter.

"Let me up" I throw my arms over his head and bag on his chest. He grabs my hands and plays with my fingers. He holds my right hand in his but continues to play with my left. I smile taking in his features.

What's going on here? He is studying every nail curve, every chip of paint, every vein and wrinkle around my knuckles.

I see our coaches making faces at each other. "Alright you two, practice those volleys" Gunther says. I watch as Domi is taking out of his daydream and gets up, running to the opposite side of the court as me.

That was weird. He must be really tired today. Someone was goofing off with Sascha last night in the lobby of the hotel. Goobers!

We practice volleys, down the line, slices, and serves until we decide to call it quits for today.

"Same time tomorrow?" He questions eagerly. As we walk alone to the hotel.

"Sounds good" I smile.

"Hey Sascha is busy tonight and we were going to grab something to eat. Want to go for dinner together... Tonight.... As friends.... Not that I thought we were anything else, uh, because we're not" he babbles.

"Domi, I would like that. Should we meet in the lobby of the hotel around 7?" I say and we agree.

I go to shower up quick and immediately go to to my suitcase to pick out an outfit. I find a summer dress for this humid night and do some simple make up.

Dominic pov

I get changed into a pair of jeans and a white button down shirt. I'm not usually a girl obsessed kind of guy but y/n changes all of that. I'm mad about her and today playing with her hands felt eternal. I loved every second of admiring her hands.

I'm a freak, I know but I'm always so happy around her.

Getting my hair perfect I head down to the lobby. I look at my phone and periodically check the lobby to see if y/n had come yet.

"Hey Dom" she says. I smile. That dress fits her perfectly and I think it's making me sweat.

We take our seats in the restaurant of the hotel and a waiter comes over to ask us what we would like. We both go with waters and salads. Competition is coming up. Our first matches are both tomorrow.

The two of us talk for a while until I see Sascha walking this way. Oh no, I never canceled our plans. I try to turn away in hopes he doesn't see me but then I hear, "Domi!" He makes a scene with his loud mouth and his arms looking like they are about to wrap around an entire elephant. They are long enough I think they could.

"So you have a date..." He smirks between y/n and me. I shake my head hoping he stops but frankly I would do the same to him if he had a date.

Marcelo Melo must notice and comes over. "Sasch, dinner. Lets go, me and you." He pulls Sascha away and y/n and I can't help but to laugh.

"Sorry about him. He's like an untrained puppy. You love him dearly but he can annoy the shit out of you when he just doesn't get something" I state.

She grins, "we all have friends like that."

As we finish eating I walk her up to her room which is the same floor as mine. "I was thinking... Maybe Sasch was on to something..." I try to find the right words, placing my hand on the back of my neck. "Would you like to go on an official date with me sometime?" I question before she closes the door.

"Domi, I would love to" she kisses my cheek and I blush.

Most nights that wold be enough but tonight is not one of them. I place a hand on her cheek and pull her in gently placing my lips on hers, moving them in sync.

"Get it Domi!" I hear from down the hall.

"Thanks Rafa!" I blush before letting out the ultimate laugh of embarrassment.

"I can't wait for our date!" I say.

"Me neither" she kisses me one last time for the night.

Hope you enjoy!

If you would like an imagine please comment or tell me who the next one should be about!

Poor Domi!


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