The Winning Team- Karen Kachanov

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Maleen p o v

Wrapping my hair up in a ponytail I make sure the blonde curls look nice against my outfit. I'm in a simple black skirt with a black and pink shirt. I tie my shoes tight so I know they won't be a bother.

I hear someone talking behind me and pull my earbuds out.

"You look beautiful. I'm sure we will win. As long as the competition looks at you they won't be able to focus on the ball." I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me, forcing our bodies to sway as one.

"Well take your shirt off that's shirt to distract them!" I joke, turning around to face Karen. "I love you. Our first finals as a couple and team!" I cheer.

Karen and I are playing together for the first time since becoming a couple. We hope the US Open can be ours after today. However, Martina Hingis and Jamie Murray stand in our way yet.

Sitting down on the bench in between our lockers we review our game plan. What kind of situations will make our movements change possibly and how we hopefully pull out the win. "You're the most beautiful thing" he says out of nowhere. I blush.

He leans in and our lips meet. They move in sync as we hardly take time to breathe.

"Karen. We are about to go play a mixed doubles final at a Grand Slam. I don't think now is a good time. Especially in the locker room where our coaches can come in" I rest my forehead on his, biting my lip.

He pecks my lips one last time and we do some stretching before the match. I practice my footwork before we are called out to the hall. We hold hands and wait in the tunnel to be called out. Martina and Jamie are standing behind us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome our finalists for our Mixed Doubles Championship today" I hear my cue and let go of Karen's hand before walking out to our chair. I set my bag down in front of me and grab my preferred racquet. I take a sip of water before running to the net for the toss.

We all shake hands and jump around, trying our bet to prevent any nerves.

They win the toss and elect to serve. We warm up and then game on!

Karen and I come out not playing out best. Nerves are clearly a factor. We go down a break early. By the end of the first set we don't make a come back and lose 6-4.

"Try to take your time more. Hit to Martina's forehand. It's making more mistakes." My partner tells me.

"I know. Jamie is playing so dominantly. Thanks, babe." I go to kiss him then realize we are on court. Now is not the time. We run back out and the second set goes more our way.

While the score is even we are playing better, just not getting break opportunities.

Then it came. "30-40" the umpire calls out. Karen stands back, preparing to take the serve. He strikes the forehand in the corner of the alley, right on the line. Jamie has to stretch to get it and gives me an overhead. I smash it cross court and turn around when it's not returned. I high five Karen and run to our chairs.

After time is called I run out to the baseline, serving for the second set.

Surprisingly easy. I held at love and the set was over.

"Take it slow. Play aggressive for the next ten points." We talk.

We run out, change sides a time or two and before you know it they have match point. I take a deep breath and return serve fit where I wanted. We get in a bit of a baseline rally before Karen puts it away. Next point.

Karen serves an ace out wide giving us match point. I'm giddy!

He serves out wide again and I hit a smash. I drop to the ground when they don't return it. Karen comes over and hugs me, pulling me up. We both smile like little children. "I love you so much. I can't believe this!" I say in his ear.

"I love you Maleen"

We pull away and congratulate Martina and Jamie.

When we get our trophies we are still so excited. I even kiss his cheek before he refuses that and kisses my lips, getting a big reaction from the crowd. I smile, blushing as we celebrate the big moment.

My love and I are an even better team than I thought we were.

Imagine for @MaleenMalik

Hope you enjoy. Sorry it took me so long to get it finished for you. I've been busy adjusting to college.

If you would like an imagine please comment!


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