Ch.9 I Need Your Help

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Jack waited a long while when the tardy hell rang for the first hour, and Yusei hadn't shown up. Was he not here? Could he be sick or something? And then a thought struck him. He remembered the large bruise and black eye he had last week, so maybe something really bad has happened for him to not show up today. However, his thought process was interrupted when Mrs. Ryoto spoke up. "Alright. Good morning, everyone. I hope all of you are doing well because today were starting our group projects. Now that we've finished reading Robin Hood and have watched the movie to go along with it, I would like all of you to form groups of two to four at the max, and no one should work by themselves. Your assignment is on this sheet that I will hand out, so read through it and choose which one you would like to do. This project will be due in three weeks from today, so I suggest that all of you get to work and don't procrastinate, understand? Try starting on it sooner rather than later." She then started handing out the papers to everyone while the students socialized amongst themselves, trying to find partners.

As the blonde sat there, staring at the paper given to him, he thought about Yusei. Sure, he didn't really know him all that well, but he just seemed so alone, like no one would even try to go near him for whatever reason. The thought alone that anyone would dare to hurt someone as innocent as Yusei irritated him greatly, but the thought that he was such a loner seemed to bother him as well. Maybe I should work with him, especially considering no one else will even bother to go near him with a ten foot pole. Jack thought to himself. He may not know me all that well, yeah, but I'm sure that can change, even if it might take some time. I just have to--

It felt as if a record player had just scratched as his thoughts were rudely interrupted when two girls came up to his desk. The first had nearly waist long, light blue hair with royal blue streaks in it, framing icy pink eyes while the second had well past waist long hot pink hair, the ends and bangs a purple color that framed emerald green eyes. Both were leaning over his desk, showing a bit too much cleavage than Jack was comfortable with, trying to avoid the tempting area altogether. They were both wearing long sleeve shirts that hugged their body, but one was V-neck shaped and the other was in a U-cut, though there was still too much cleavage... They both wore tight jeans, one wearing hot pink and the other a faded blue with a few holes in the legs, black belts aroublnd their waists, and shoes that they thought looked cute, but Jack wasn't impressed.

"Is there something you need?" Jack asked, setting the paper down to gaze up at the two girls.

"So, do you wanna, like, work with us?" The girl with pink hair asked, twirling a lock of her pink hair around her finger to try and look cute so Jack would fall for her batty eyes, but he honestly could've cared less.

"Sorry, but I'm already working with someone." He replied.

"Really? Who is it?" The girl with blue hair asked.

Jack swallowed a bit hard. "Yusei."

Their eyes widened a bit when they heard that name, until the blue haired girl spoke. "Are you...sure you wanna work with him?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? Is there something I'm missing here?" He seemed a little impatient and annoyed by this point, just wanting these girls to leave him alone.

"Well, I heard he's, like, some kinda pervert." The pink haired one spoke, Jack clenching his fist. "But I guess you might as well know now, huh?" She then gestured to her friend, who nodded.

"I wouldn't work with him." She said. "I heard he's, like, a total homo. He'll just get in your pants, so I wouldn't trust him if I were you. I hear he's really perverted and stuff, so you should just--"


The two girls jumped when Jack slammed his hands on the desk as he stood up, glaring. They crossed a line, and he sure as hell wasn't about to let it slide. "So let me get this straight: Every homosexual person just wants to fuck every guy out there, is that it? What in the hell do you all have against him when I'm pretty damn sure none of you even know what he's actually like? He hasn't done a damn thing wrong! He just sits in class quietly doing his work, so what gave all of you the right to judge and say all this bullshit about him, huh?! What the hell has he ever done to you to deserve all the shit you people give him? He's a person, not some animal you can pick on and belittle just because it amuses you! And so what if he isn't attracted to women? Last time I checked, there's no crime against that, and it sure as hell doesn't give all of you the right to treat him the way you have! He barely has enough people there to keep him afloat and all you're doing is pulling him back down! I'm sure the last thing he needs right now is complete bullshit like this from people who only care about themselves!" Jack knew he had raised his voice as the whole class just listened to his rant, but to be honest, he didn't give a shit. He just let out a sharp scoff before walking up to the front of the class, leaving the two girls, and the rest of the class completely stunned at his sudden outburst.

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