Ch.7 Nightmare Becomes Reality

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Yuko closed and locked Yusei's bedroom door before going back over to her brother, crouching down in front of him. She lifted his shirt to see a large bruise already forming on his chest. The younger raven gently touched the bruising area, her brother letting out a sharp gasp, in which Yuko quickly apologized. Yusei just waved off the apology as his sister spoke up, lowering his shirt. "It looks like Dad might've cracked one or two of your ribs..." She said.

He gave a small shrug in response. "I can't say I'm surprised..."

Yuko let out a sigh. "I'd offer to stay in here with you, but I already know you'll turn me down, so I'm not even going to ask."

Yusei shook his head. "No, don't do that..."

"See, I told you." She said, sighing again. "If that's the case, do you think you' alright tonight?"

"Probably not, but I'll survive."

"This is Dad were talking about, Yusei, and I'm pretty sure with his strength and temper, he has the ability to kill you if he really wanted to."

"He won't..."

"You don't know that!" She snapped. "Yusei, don't you get it!? We can't keep living like this, in this hell! We have to do something, anything, for God's sake!"

"There is nothing we can do. Believe me, I've tried..."

"Anything is better than you winding up dead, dammit!" Yuko suddenly became silent, letting out a soft gasp, in which Yusei lifted his gaze.

His sister buried her face in her hands for a long moment before trying to wipe her cheeks, indicating she had lost control as she started sobbing. She lifted her head, her teary blue eyes meeting her brother's. "Yusei, what do I have to say or do to get you to understand?"

"Even if I was dead, no one would miss me..."

"I would, damn it!" She shouted, gripping his shoulders. "I understand that you feel like you're all alone in this, but you have me, and you have friends! You have people that really do care about you, Yusei, so I don't understand why you can't just open your eyes and see that for yourself! People care about you, Yusei! Me, Crow, Kalin, everyone! So please...don't give up, not yet, not when we can still fight this..."

Yusei stared at his sister for a long moment as she dropped her gaze, lowering her hands from his shoulders, until the elder sibling slowly wrapped his arms around his sister. She was taken aback for a moment, until her brother spoke. "I'm sorry..." it was shaky, and almost a whisper. "I don't know what to do... I'm...I'm terrified, but...there's noting I can do to stop this... So...I just have to deal with it... Please...I don't want you to get hurt..."

"And I don't want you to get killed..." She said, pulling away from him as she wiped the tears from her face. "I don't know what I'd do if you died, Yusei... You're my brother, so you and I have to stick together, no matter how hard things get, this included."

"I know, it's just--"

"We'll figure it out. I don't care what it takes, because no matter what may happen, we will make it through this mess."

Yusei stared at his sister for a long moment before he spoke, lowering his gaze. "How can you be so sure though...?"

"Because I have faith." She replied, lifting his chin back up. "I know we can make it out of this nightmare..."

Yuko gave her brother a small smile before leaning in, leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead. She then got to her feet, heading for the door, but turned back to Yusei before exiting the room. "Lock your door, okay?" She then made her leave, closing the door behind herself.

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