Chapter 2| The Damn Host Club

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The bell rang, signifying the end of my last elective, meaning a free period.

"Ah! Kin-kun! What are you going to do now?" a random girl asked me.

I gave her one of my mischievous smiles. "I'm going to explore."

Seeing my smile, she turns pink, squealing and screaming 'Kyaaa'. I walked out of the dance gymnasium, where I had obviously been dancing.

Stepping out, I'm greeted by a herd of squealing, blushing and fainting girls, making me sweat drop, hard.


And suddenly, I'm being chased by a million fan girls. I made a dash for it, running down the right corridor. I passed by a turn, and dug my heels into the ground to stop myself. Then, sprinted down the branched corridor. Turning left, then left, then right and so on, I forgot which turns I took.

Just when I had given up, I see a door.

Hell yes. The doors to safety.

Sprinting fast, I pushed open the door, and slammed it shut. Leaning my ear against it, I listen to the stampede rushing past.

Sighing in relief, I leaned my back against the door, panting, as if a zombie apocalypse was happening outside. Bending over to my knees, I tried to regain my breath.

"W-Well this is" a male voice, spoke.

I jumped, "Holy Crap!" I randomly switched to French, in surprise
I looked at a group of seven, frozen boys, spread out in the room, in the middle of talking, running, eating cake, and sipping tea.

"Oh, my. You're a pretty straightforward 'that boy', aren't you?" a blondie asked, and straightened his posture, and walked over to me, from behind a pair of ginger headed, identical twins.

"Welcome! To the Host Club!" He said, and pushed his face into mine, which made pull my head back, so I had a light double chin. I sweat dropped, along with a brown haired, boyish looking girl, wearing a boys uniform.

"Get out of my face," I snapped, in a calm voice, "Disgusting."

The background behind him grew black, as lightning struck just behind him, who had a shocked, blown away face on.

"D-Disgusting...?" He whispered, as if an arrow struck through his heart.

"Disgusting, gross, pathetic, phony." I said, my eyes in slits, and a narrow, straight line instead of a frown or smile. A sweat drop, hung from my forehead, which was covered in blue lines.

It was like more arrows struck him, and he flew back growing smaller and smaller, eventually vanishing into thin air.
Then, the blondie reappeared, in a dark and shadowy corner, growing mushrooms.

What even in the world...?

"Tamaki, why not introduce us to our straightforward, 'that boy'?" A black haired guy, who wore extremely shiny and reflective glasses, spoke, as he pushed up his spectacles, with a smirk.


My eyes grew wide, but I tried to bring them back to normal, as to not look suspicious. I need to get out of here, now. What if grandmother finds out.

Tamaki, stood up, bursting into a ball of rainbows, sunshine and unicorns, smiling widely.
"Ah of course! How could I forget!?" And with that, he strutted towards me.

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