Chapter 3| The BadBoy Type

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"Kin-kun! Why did you join the club?" One girl, who was, no doubt, pretty, said under a daze.

I gave my up-to-no-good smirk, and brought my face closer to her. Sliding my hands under her chin, I said in a 'sexy' voice, "Do you not want me to?"

"Kyaaa!" All my customers, and others who were paying attention to us, squealed. The girl who I said it to, turned fifty shades of red, and eventually fainted.

"Kin-kun! Kin-kun! I've never heard of your parents..."

I froze, with my eyes wide.

"I-I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked that, Kin-kun."

Smiling, I looked at her. "No, no, it's ok. Curiousness is a part of human nature."

"Oh, he's so understanding!"

I sweat dropped.

This is going to be a long day.

• • •

I fell back on the couch, sighing in relief as the club closed for the day.

"Who knew this would be so tiring?" I groaned out, my voice muffled by the velvet and silk pillows.

Velvet and silk pillows? Damn rich people.

"I suppose, fo your first day, it was quite tiring, as your request ratio was a lot more than I calculated." The Bespectacled Shadow Lord, said, while smirking and pushing up his glasses which shone overly dramatically in the room's lighting.

"Ya think?"

"How many did he have, anyway?" Kaoru stood up from his chair, and walked over to us.

"If I'm correct, then he had 59 customers, today."

"50 plus!!?" The twins along with Tamaki, yelled together growing white.

"Oh my God! Daddy must help his son relax!" Tamaki yelled, before running off and returning with relaxing aroma powder, which needs to burnt to have it's aroma wave off in smoke.

"Uhhh..." Haruhi and I trailed off.

Dragging a table, on the side, he lighted the aroma powder, in a closed goblet, before shutting the lid. The fragrance smoke, blew out from the hole on the top.

"Arabian scent, huh?" I asked him.

"Yup! Now let Daddy give you a massage!" He reached forward to massage my back.

"No. Thank you, but don't even lay a nail on me." I said, giving him a cold stare. He shivered, growing pale and took a few steps back.

"But d-daddy-"

"Shut it." I said, with a cold, steel face.

"I GOT IT!" Tamaki suddenly yelled, jumping out from his emo corner.


"You're the...BAD BOY TYPE!"


"The cold, bad boy type." He explained.

I gave him a look -_- "Wow, that helped a lot."

"I know what a bad boy is, honey. But am I seriously a bad boy?"

They gave me a look like; -_- B*tch WTF?


"Black. You're Rose will be black." Kyoya, oh-so-kindly, informed me. -_-

I sighed. "Oh, Almighty Bespectacled Shadow Lord, how can I thank you for your generosity, for I am thankful for such kindness you have shown me, and have forever erased the frustrating question, from my dull mind." I said, in fluent sarcasm, pulling a convincing, but fake, dramatic act to go with my words.

At this point, the twins are on the floor laughing, Honey is giggling, Mori is slightly smiling, Tamaki is staring at me, shocked, Haruhi is face-palming and Kyoya, is being burned in our eyes.




My phone starts to ring, snapping our attention towards it.

"Oh, shit." I exclaimed, with wide eyes, as I stared at the name glaring back at me.

I groaned, before accepting my call, and got up from my comfortable position, walking over to the ridiculously huge window.

"Hello, Grandmother." I said, coldly.

"Hello Kin. I trust you have kept your part of the deal, yes?"

"Trust me, I've been avoiding him, at all costs. And I hope mother is living in peace? After all, I sacrificed my time with her for a better life for mother." I asked, coolly.

"My, my. You really don't trust your grandmother, at all? But yes, she is living a good life. All debts and bills have been paid, and her medical requirements have been paid, as well."

"Good. Thank you." I said, and abruptly end the call.

What the hell am I going to do now?

I've already met my twin...

I looked over at the blonde idiot, chasing the twins because they were stuck to Haruhi like glue. Mori and Honey, sat on the side with Honey, as per usual, eating his beloved cake. Kyoya typically typing away on his goddamn laptop.

I'm going to be meeting him every day now.

Why did I have to enter this room? Of all the million empty rooms, I just had to enter this goddamn music room.

I guess, I'll just have to hide my gender from the Host Club.

And hide my host club activities from that woman.


"TAMAKI!!!!!" the girls screamed, once we (we as in, me, Haruhi, The Twins, Honey and Mori) saw Tamaki walking over to us with Kyoya in tow

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"TAMAKI!!!!!" the girls screamed, once we (we as in, me, Haruhi, The Twins, Honey and Mori) saw Tamaki walking over to us with Kyoya in tow.

"KYOYA!!!" The girls screamed The Bespectacled Shadow Lord's name. The girls crowd around the couple. A nerve twitched on Kyoya's head while Tamaki happily flirted with the girls.

Thank God they haven't noticed me.

"OH MY GOD! KIN!!!" Then, they noticed me, and crowded around me next.

Tamaki looked mind blown, with eyes crying rivers, mouth opened, no sound coming out, and a hand raised as if about to catch them.


He went to the club's emo corner, reserved especially for him.

I sweat dropped at the girls basically blocking the goddamn oxygen to spread around me.




The BadBoy Type | OHSHC •Writer's Block•Where stories live. Discover now