Family Dinner in L.A.

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"Mom! Dad! Let's go!" Andi pounded on the hotel room door. Her soccer parents had gone back to their hotel room to change from their post-game sweats into something a little more appropriate for a dinner on the town. So had Andi, and it had only taken the young midfielder 15 minutes to become presentable. Now 30 minutes had elapsed and still no sign of her folks.

"Your mom is just finding her shoes Andi." Alyssa called out and stole one last kiss from Becky. The pair had been ready for 20 minutes, but couldn't resist having a little cuddle time before venturing out into the crowded city. Becky swung up off the bed and fixed her hair in the mirror before gesturing to Alyssa to follow her. Becky grabbed her purse off the counter and the goalkeeper opened the door to reveal a very impatient Andy.

"Jeez and they say my generation is always late. Let's go people I am hungry." She grabs their hands and drags them towards the elevator. The two share a look across her head and chuckle at her impatience. One day she will cherish the slow moments in between the busy ones.

When they board the elevator, Alyssa tugs her hand from Andy's grasp and slides around to stand next to Becky. The blonde gratefully snuggles into the side of her favorite goalkeeper and they watch the numbers count down. Andi taps her foot impatiently against the glass as it seems to take forever to reach the ground floor.

"Andi do you know where we are going to eat?" The blonde questioned the young midfielder as the trio stepped out of the elevator into the hotel lobby. Andi told them that she would pick the place before they separated to change. Alyssa was trusting Becky to guide her along as she was ordering their Lyft from her phone.

"Yeah I made us a reservation at Pistola. Chris said it is the best steakhouse around here and she is like from here so I trust her." Andi shrugged as they got to the front of the lobby and chose to wait inside.

"Chris does have good taste. It should be good. She manages to find the best hole in the wall places in Chicago." Alyssa told the pair when she looked up for her phone. "I don't know how she does it as she always claims she hates going out but her and Jules always have somewhere new for us to try after games."

"Jules drags her out." Becky snorts. "Jules says they go explore one part of a city then find a park for Chris to reconnect with nature in."

"Well someone has to since her and Tobin play on different teams." Alyssa commented. "Chris gets mopey if she doesn't get her nature fix and we need her firing on all cylinders if we want to finally win a championship this year."

"Don't get to ahead of yourself there, sweetheart. We will have Arod and Syd back next season and we are hungry to reclaim our title." Becky shot back, smirking at her lover. Alyssa didn't reply but shook her head as her phone chimed. Their Lyft was here.

The three women headed out and climbed into the back of the black SUV. Andi gave their address to the driver and they rolled out into the ever-present L.A. traffic. They three made small talk about the match and other things on the way, keeping the mood light and happy though all were growing hungrier with each passing minute. They arrived at Pistola not a moment too soon and clamber out of the car after thanking their driver. Andi lead her folks inside and went up to the hostess's counter.

"Can I help you?" The young woman glanced up from the computer screen, saw Andi, and gave a warm smile.

"Hi, yeah, we have a reservation under Sullivan for 3." Andi swallowed past the lump in throat as the cute girl checked her out.

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