NWSL 2017 Week 3, Dress Shopping, and More

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League Summary:
NCC v Orl: 3-1 (McDonald, Williams, Mewis; Camila)
Por v Chi: 1-0 (Nadim)
Bos v Sea: 3-0 (Lavelle, Dowie, Leon)
Hou v Was: 1-0 (Ohai)
Sky Blue v FCKC: 1-1 (R. Rodriguez; A. Rodriguez)


Becky was nervous. She was meeting with the 5th wedding planner that the families had recommended. The first four had been disasters for various reasons, and she was beginning to lose hope. Things might just be easier to plan on their own, rather than try to deal with someone who didn't understand their complex schedules. Her foot tapped against the base of the table as she read the same passage of her book for the 3rd time. The door bell chimed, garnering her attention once again. She glanced up and saw a middle-aged African American male in a navy suit scan the coffee shop, eyes settling on her. The pair shared a smile and he approached her.

"Hello Ms. Sauerbrunn. My name is Lucas. It is nice to finally meet you." He reached out and extended a hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Lucas. Please, call me Becky." The blonde stood quickly to shake his hand. "Would you like to grab a cup of coffee before we get started?"

"That would be lovely." He smiled broadly as he set down his things across from her. "I'll be back in just a moment. Would you like a refill?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you though." Becky returned his smile.

Lucas made his way to the front of the coffee shop to get his drink. Becky relaxed slightly when he left. He seemed like a friendly enough person and wasn't rushing for them to get straight to work. An excellent first impression. Upon his return, Lucas sat down and pulled out his MacBook. Becky set aside her book and fiddled with the rim of her coffee mug until he was ready.

"Alright Ms. Sauerbrunn, sorry, Becky, that you and Alyssa Naeher are going to be tying the knot on December 6th of this year. You have put down a deposit for the venue you've chosen in Colorado and have chosen some colors and save-the-dates as well. Am I up to speed?" He glanced up from his computer screen for confirmation.

"That is correct." Her eyes were sparkling when she answered. "We have started looking for dresses for ourselves, but nothing concrete."

"Wonderful." He clapped his hands as a grin stretched across his face. "There is still much to do, but we can get everything lined up with time to spare."

"I want to make sure we are on the same page before we go much further." Becky spoke slowly, not wanting herself to put the cart before the house. "Our busy season has started – that means you will have to coordinate with us in two different cities, on potentially two different schedules. Appointments will have to be scheduled at odd hours and weekends are absolutely out of the question. There is also a significant possibility you or someone you work with will need to travel to Chicago to aid Alyssa. Are we going to be able to expect and rely on you for all of that?"

Lucas took a moment to answer.

"Yes. You can. Your wedding will be my first and foremost priority, I assure you. I will do everything in my power to make it the best day of both of your lives. I included travel in the price quote I sent to you last week."

Becky's face split into a grin when she heard his answer.

"Wonderful." She reached out across the table and shook his hand again. "Then let's get started. I've got an hour before I have to get to the physio."



"Not hungry?" Yael nudged Nicole with her shoulder when she noticed that her froyo remained untouched. She had stopped on the way home after a light PT session on her ankle to surprise Nicole. Yael had even texted Becky to ensure she got her favorite flavors.

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