A Wandering Goalkeeper

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Becky was growing worried. Alyssa still hadn't returned home from her training session with Barnie and it had a few hours ago. When the blonde had pestered Barnie for answers, the goalkeeper had been surprisingly quiet. She had only told her former roommate that Alyssa had needed some time after practice to sort some stuff out and that she was sure Lys would reach out to Becky when she was ready. That did little to ease Becky's growing fear as the afternoon passed. This wasn't like Alyssa. She had always kept the defender up to date with her whereabouts. She dug her phone out of her shorts and tried to call her fiancé again. It rang and rang, but ended up going to voicemail.

"Dammit Lys pick up the phone!" The defender swore as she resumed pacing in their living room. What if Alyssa was lost or hurt? I mean sure it had to be hard to get lost in Kansas City, but there was no guarantee that the goalkeeper had stayed in the city. Scenarios of worsening results flashed in Becky's head like scenes from a horror movie. There was no way the defender could wait patiently anymore. She had to find her fiancé and know she was safe.

Her mind made up, Becky stepped over Athena who was pacing with her and headed to the hallway. The blonde hastily pulled on some shoes, a rain jacket and grabbed her keys. That would be enough to find Alyssa along with the car's first aid kit. She headed out and, after throwing an escaping Freyja back inside, locked up. Once settled in the car, she phoned Barnie.

"Becky, I already told you I don't know exactly where she is. She just said she needed some space." Barnie yawned as she spoke. She was right in the middle of a nap when Becky called.

"Nicole, it has been hours. I need to know she is alright. Just tell me which was she went after you left the fields."

"She went left. I watched her drive down until she hit the light and she took a right. After that, I don't know. Lys just needed some time to mull things over. I bet she is on her way home right now."

"Barnie she doesn't just drop off the face of the earth. That is some Hope Solo level crap and we all saw the stress it put on Carli. She swore she would never do that to me. I have called her repeatedly in the past few hours and not once has she picked up or texted me. I am telling you this isn't like her. I am scared and I am going to look for her."

"Alright Broon." Nicole groaned and sat up. She didn't think when Alyssa and herself parted ways that it would lead to this. The older goalkeeper thought the young woman needed to clear her head and sort things out before she went home and talked to Becky.

"Thanks... I have to go." Becky abruptly hung up the phone. Her rearview mirror flashed with car headlights as someone pulled in her driveway. Becky quickly got out of the SUV and immediately recognized the car in the driveway as that of her fiancé. She did her best to stay patient as she waited in the steady downpour for Alyssa to exit the vehicle.

The goalkeeper climbed out of the car and made her way to the blonde. Becky opened her mouth to begin her exasperated lecture. Then she saw Alyssa when she stepped under the range of the porchlight. The brunette was soaked through to the bone. Her eyes looked like she had been crying, but it was hard to tell from the rain. Strong shoulders that Becky loved slumped forward as if the weight of the world was too much to carry. The defender promptly shut her mouth and quickly unlocked the door so that Alyssa could get out of the rain.

"Come on in honey." Her voice was as soft as she could make it. Something had Alyssa majorly out of sorts.

Becky ushered her fiancé into the house. Alyssa slowly entered and seemingly took her shoes off out of habit. Becky reached out and took Alyssa's hand. It was freezing.

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