Chapter 1

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(Ayo not that I really care but hey this is all being re-written and I just hated how quick the beginning was I just skimmed over that bullshit like it was some article on why toenails are dangerous or some bullshit so hey this mentions vivid descriptions of like dead bodies, rotting corpses, some gorey stuff, enjoy it or skim past it idc it's your choice I'm just writing it you chose to read it)

A boy named Kitt enters his house the heavy and thick scent of blood filling his nose, the putrid scent of rotting flesh over-whelming his sense. Kitt takes a step forward gripping onto the keys in his hand so they would cease their jingling trying to hear if someone was still inside his house, the first questions in his mind was who was dead? It all depended on that to know who killed who, his mother a violent drunk who hated her own son for being a boy and not a girl, and his father a even more so violent drunk who worked day and night just to pay for more liquor and even drugs at times, it could honestly be both. 

"Hello?" Kitt finally calls out, his voice just barley above a whisper, his anxiety creeping up hands growing clammy, his breathing picking up slightly when he steps onto squishy carpet. Kitt slowly looks down to the ground his keys falling out of his hands staring at the carpet soaked with blood, so much when he takes another step forward the blood pools out of the carpet coating the bottom of his shoes even the sides of it. 

"Mom?.." Kitt whispers biting down on his lip staring at her limp body on the ground. "Mom... Mom are you okay? Mom?" Kitt slowly kneels down ignoring the blood soaking into his pants, turning her staring at her bruised and battered face, several of her teeth missing her eye welted shut, her bottom lip split in half on the corner. Kitt looks to her bruised neck then to the large crack in her skull her clothes ripped open. "Mom...' kitt looks away slowly laying her back down his breath getting caught in his throat as he struggles to hold back his tears looking up to a man in the doorway a rope tied into a noose. 

"Dad?" Kitt stands, moving closer not even noticing the slice in his fathers stomach until he reaches forward to place a hand on his chest looking down staring at his fathers exposed organs piling out of his stomach, some even looking as if they had been pulled out. Kitt looks away, glancing to his fathers battered face, it looks even worse then his mothers, one of his father's eye's hanging out from the socket some maggots where his fathers eye once sat. 

Kitt presses his nose against his shoulder quickly walking away going up to his bedroom shutting the door behind him swallowing the bile that begins to travel up his throat a single tear rolling down his cheek. "You guys and your liquor- Your stupid fucking drugs and gambling you couldn't control yourselves could you.. You owed so much money you stupid idiots..." Kitt whispers almost hissing his words teeth clenching shut tightly. The thing bothering kitt most was the fact that if he was home, he would've been killed along with them most likely, he was glad he ran off when his parents began to fight, hid out on the streets making some quick money from getting into fights. 

This wasn't something cops could handle, this wasn't something kitt could handle. Kitt reaches his hand down into his hoodies pocket pulling out his phone dialing a number, he swore to himself he'd never call these people for anything no matter how bad it got just to avoid their sons, the two being his god parents. Nice people, beyond rich, living their best lives no matter what life threw at them they didn't care they moved forward and just became even more successful, that didn't mean their children were good though, no their sons were down right gut wrenching to even think of for Kitt. 

"Hello?" A sweet and soft voice calls out, something that only reminds Kitt of how a real mother should sound nothing like how his mother did always screaming her voice rough and loud something that made Kitt fear his own mother. "Anne... Anne I need help please, my parents- They're dead I.. I don't know what to do I can't call the cops this seems like it was done by someone you know we're not in any pack it's free game they just- They fucked with the wrong people and the wrong pack this time I may get killed if I stay here please can I come there at least until I get onto my feet Anne.. I'm begging you I'll pay rent even anything.." Kitt whispers his tears finally falling letting out a small sob sliding down his door the reality of this all setting in. 

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