Chapter 3

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 (So as I HAVE yes I HAVE mentioned this entire book is fucked, it's a fucked book I was fucked for writing it I'm rewriting it still pretty fucked kinda better but you know what who the actual fuck even cares that much to cry about it? You? Well okay then don't cry about it duh dur. Seriously though this book contains mentions of abuse, descriptions, like kinda forced sexual interactions idk I'm rewriting it who knows what imma put even I don't I just write what I feel like, if you don't like that well, click off my book lmao. Thats all I gotta say thanks for reading it if you do and if you don't? Well thanks for clicking away honestly I would too if I read this shitty ass warning lololol)

Kitt slowly wakes up, looking around confused for a second relaxing when he realizes where he's at, looking down when he hears his name being called finding Mac and Noah near the tree calling out for him. "Kitt! Look I won't bug you again fuck man- Kitt just come out you don't have to help me study I'm just failing like three classes I was seriously asking you for help! Kitt I'm sorry please just fucking come out we've been walking for three hours and mom won't let us inside the house till we find you my legs are going to give out I'm sorry!" Noah calls out Mac smacking his older brothers head huffing. 

"Kitt! Hey can you come out please? Mom's freaking out so is dad, even Keith did when we said you were gone in the woods for a few hours it's late and dangerous there are like wolves and bears out here, wild animals with rabies, we don't wanna get killed Kitt! We don't want you killed! If you die I'm gonna kill you!" Mac shouts clearly nervous even from twenty feet in the air Kitt notices Mac holding tightly onto the hem of his sweater shaking slightly, just how upset are Anne and Dirk? 

Kitt simply sighs slowly climbing down the tree, Kitt got used to disappearing and sleeping in trees. Kitt always did at home, he couldn't sleep most nights there unless if he was in the woods scared one of his drugged out or drunk parents would step in and start beating on him or throwing things around his room, it happened more times then enough to feel scared. So, one day after getting lost in the woods he slept in the trees, despite being terrified that day it was the best sleep he had in months maybe even a year or two. 

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to scared everyone.." Kitt whispers letting out a yawn rubbing his eyes. "I meant to come back sooner I must've slept longer then I meant too... I normally sleep in the woods so you don't gotta worry if I don't show up I'm probably asleep..." Kitt explains pushing some of his hair from his face yawning once more. Mac only lets out a sigh looking Kitt over simply nodding. "Okay... Okay it's fine just come on before someone gets hurt. Next time leave a note or a little message okay? Even text one of us, we'll set you a hammock up in one of the tree's with a pillow and blanket all the good stuff so we can at least know where you are if there's an emergency." Noah mumbles patting Kitt's back gently clearly exhausted. 

"Its fine Kitt, come on if you're tired one of us can give you a piggy back ride, it's a hour walk home so if you want one let us know especially if you get tired.." Mac whispers offering Kitt a small weak smile, a golf cart flying down the pathway almost hitting all three of them Ethen and Emit in control of it, damn near crashing it Kitt watches in both silence and fear. Noah grabs onto Kitt's hand Mac not even thinking pushing his brother and Kitt back holding onto Kitt the three falling to the ground as the twins spin out of control for a second clearly enjoying themselves finally stopping Emit falling out of the side of the golf cart with a grin. 

"Hey so we followed you guys out here to scare you,  so... Boo. Lets go home, it has a little wooden extended bed thing, we built it don't worry no screws or nails are sticking out and it's padded. We tossed some pillows and a few blankets in there for you guys." Emit says grinning, Emit was at the wheel till he fell out Ethan holding onto the golf cart for dear life even now sitting in the passenger seat. "Ethan- Get in the fucking back and Emit in the passenger seat I swear-" Mac simply scoffs, stepping on Emit climbing into the golf cart, Kitt climbs into the back noticing the little thing covering the golf cart, seemingly almost tent material maybe it's too keep bugs out and it warm? 

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