Chapter 6

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I wake up, the heat gone, the boys gone to. I sit up, walking out of the room, after unlocking numerous locks. I look in the mirror, walking to my closet slipping on a black hoodie, with galaxy leggings with black boots I get a duffle bag with some wrap for my hands and feet, along with gym clothes. I leave my treehouse like thing. Jogging to the nearest diner quickly walking in the door and a waiter comes and walks me to a table, I realize that I am in Ihop. I sigh looking through the menu,  ending up with a mountain dew and order regular pancakes.

    I want to get some bracelets and stuff today so I brought money with me. My food came out and my ass started to hurt I already knew why so I quickly ate and pay, I ran behind the shop limping a bit from the pain damn those boys always hurting me fucking other people. I already knew they were straight but damn at least reject me first that pain would be worse but I wouldn't feel this. I start to walk to the mall from behind the stores.

    I stop I want to fight and get extra money, to put away in my savings. I quickly change into gym clothes and hid my bag in the woods I walked over to a popular street fighting place. I went up and talked to the guy running this place and asked to fight anyone who hadn't been defeated, the beta, a bit taller than the average begged up on steroids looks me up in down. I had on some simple lose but tight enough shorts and a tank top with a regular shirt over it. "Look kid, why not go home and bake your alpha a cake?" He coos patting my head. I kick him in the leg, "I asked a question. Don't stereotype me dick face."

"Fine you mutt, you win against him I'll give you 10 grand, but you lose and you can't fight here ever again." A big man comes up he looks more muscles than anything. It was nasty muscles where it bugged out so much from being so doped up on steroids it makes you wanna puke.

I get ready and we start to walk in circles in, he throws a fist, trying to hit my face he just scraps my cheek. I grab  his arm kicking his leg managing to flip him onto his back, but he gets back up and punches my chest not hard compared to how the boys used to hit me, I grin softly at him wiping my mouth noticing a little blood. I trip him, straddling him, repeatedly punching his face hoping he wasn't a wolf or had a mate cause then this would hurt them. I get up with little blood on my hands so the guy hands me my money and looks at me strange, looking me up and down.

       "That guy has been here for 5 years and only you have beat him nice job kid your mate or mates must love you" I get silent, frowning before I smile at him a little sad but I hide it, "Sorry sir, I don't have any mates, they don't like me," I yawn walking away flinging the bag over my shoulder wrapping the string tightly around my hand. I puff out my cheeks and walk to hot topic and get some black bracelets and earrings. I pay for them and walk away going to several different stores getting more clothes, piercings tools, books etc...

    I walk back home a slight scratch on my cheek a nice lady at the book store patched it up for me and I probably have a bruise on my chest but it doesn't hurt it feels better than when the boys did it at least. I walk to my house but got the scents of dumb dumbs so I hurry up. Damn them for leaving me with their sons why couldn't they have taken me or them, either way, I would be fine. I got into my house and I looked in front of me to see Ethan I turn around and started to walk out the door but Emit appeared in front of me. They corner me against the wall each of them close to my face, their mango and pomegranate scents invading my nose, luckily it was my favorite. I quickly snap out of it as they were talking.

"Why do you have a bandage on your cheek kitt," Ethan questions need, his eyebrow raised. I whimper a bit, I'm not gonna tell them my private information, why the hell would I? They never cared about me before. I look away going to shove them away, till Ethan growls causing me to tense up as he grabs my chin, putting his other hand on my chest making me flinch a bit.

"Tell is now, or we'll go get Keith. You know Keith doesn't like secrets... we may have a repeat of before.." Emit coos in my ear nipping it as I clench my fist shakily breathing scared.  I could feel his smirk against my skin, Ethan grins, probably noticing how uncomfortable I was. "yeah you do owe us and them for the week, at least a few kisses or your virginity will do just fine" Ethan mumbles stroking my cheek. I look at him and bite back a snarky remark frowning as I look to the ground, I hate them.

"I was street fighting again and he punched well tried to but just scrapped my cheek and yeah..." I get decently more quiet towards the end, holding back a growl, I want to punch them. They were purposefully letting out their scents so strong to dominate me and mine.  They each peck one of my cheeks. Im acting like a submissive slut cause they scare me. I don't want to submit, give them what they want but every time I remember what they are capable of, I just roll over and show them my stomach.

My whole body is all tinglingly. "C-can you leave" I mange to whisper out, pushing against Ethan chest. "For us to leave our kitten it would cost a price. Right boy's" the others came outta my closet well one came out of my closet than one came outta my bathroom and from under my bed, I jump in surprise. I curl into a ball next to my bookshelf and wait to get kicked just like I used to get in the ribs. What came was unexpected Keith, the main reason of my torment, my main bully helps me up and kissed my hand leaving me gunned and confused.

Keith hugs me soon, his brothers join the "group" hug. I am confused, what the actual fuck? I could tell I probably looked angry as fuck or confused as fuck. It hurts me to know they are only treating me like this cause I am their mate it truly does hurt. Not cause they had a change of heart, not because they felt sorry, cause I was their mate and they needed me for kids and for a Luna so they could be alphas if their Pack. I frown and glare at the ground, "I gotta tramp stamp," I mumble looking at them with a smirk as their grip loosens quickly darting out of their arms running away. I shift to my cat form, going to the same tree from yesterday curling up in it purring. I freaked I know I had fears and worries that they would suddenly hit me again once I knew they were past the tree I quickly shifted back packing clothes and some books and other stuff in a duffle bag then got dressed and ran to my car and drove off.

I don't know a for sure answer but I know that I was driving for a good hour or 2. I started to head back and got a nice hotel room. I may of have or may have not packed Ethan and emits shirts what they smelled nice. I walk into the bathroom getting undressed, not aware that I slightly left the front door open somehow not really noticeable though. I close the bathroom door and start the bath I walked back out with a towel to grab my bath stuff. I pour in bubbles bath mango scented and put down my vanilla shampoo and conditioner I put down mango perfume yes I use perfume. Gotta problem?

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