Chapter 7

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 I sigh, pulling my clothes off getting into my tub, curling up in the bath relaxing slowly, so my heat is finally over, but now I'm sore because I refused to touch myself so instead I was flopping around and twisting in odd angles. Now I'm stuck inside of a hot tub hoping to relieve some pain. 

Keith's P.O.V.

(I'm reading this back and I really made these assholes seem stupid, like why they talking like that?)

I drive, my brothers in the back arguing over lord knows what, I'm looking for Kitt, while they argue over what to get for dinner and where he is. I may just be surrounded by idiots. I pull up to his favorite hotel from before, he always went there, I get out the idiots following behind me. I walk inside, ignoring the staff following Kitt's scent to his room, the doors unlocked thankfully. I open the door stepping inside the remotely empty hotel room, walking inside inspecting the area. I look at the cracked bathroom door pushing it open slightly looking to a half asleep Kitt in the tub. Yes, we used to bully Kitt, a lot, way too much, but I at least truly did love him, I wanted his attention and gaze all to myself, when he looked at others even my own brothers I would become a bit angry. Not an excuse, but I do have anger issues, and I am known to lash out randomly at anyone within shouting range. 


I and my brothers track Kitt down, which is quiet easy because he lets his scent out like a loose chick on a Saturday night spreads her legs. We beat him. I take out all my anger on him, why? My girlfriend broke up with me, for knowing this little freak, all because he's gay. So what? Because I know this fuck through my family I can't be happy with someone? I hated her but I' still pissed, and I'm assuming my brother either had a bad day or are just copying me. I am a star quarterback who bullies the weak omega in school, boo hoo, he's to fucking high to care, so why should I? I know he can barely feel this pain. This bastard smokes daily, plus he's gay, perfect target, has no friends, no life, his parents hate him, he's the easiest target he already has no self-esteem, so we also know he won't tell anyone or call for help. Maybe I and my brothers are bisexual, but he's just gay, and he's also nerdy, who wouldn't target him? He is straight up gay like if he had a female mate he would reject her. No joke like at all. Though, if he does end up being my mate like my parents always say, and my brothers who fantasia about this runt, then yes we will take care of him and treat him properly. I have no reason to really hurt him, other then the fact that I like seeing him in pain and scared, he's kinda cute that way. 

~FlashBack Ending~

 I do understand Kitt needs space, and time to heal, I mean he's always been a troublemaker, even if we weren't beating on him he was getting into fights at school getting beaten on, his best move was a nut-shot that brought grown men to tears. He's aways been a troubled kid, with too many issues to count, his parents were far worse then horrible, so sometimes he acts out of control, like when he gets into fights on the street's for money, or he sells drugs, I already know of his past yes, but does that mean I can't handle him now? No, it just means I have to take more time to tame this brat.

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