unwanted baby?( Dean Winchester)

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you are pregnant you tell Dean and he just leaves..... you leave and run into him 4 years later.


Dean and Sam had been on a hunt I was making pie for as Dean came back. I sniffed the pie that was now baking in the oven it made me sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

'' oh no'' I said to my self. I grabbed my keys and went to the store and bought a pregnancy test and went back home.

I followed the instruction and waited.'' positive'' I mumbled shocked tears ran down my face cause I was scared what Dean would think. i dried my tears and took the pie out off the oven.

'' we are home'' I heard Dean yell at the top of the stairs of the bunker.

'' hey boys had a good hunt'' I asked.

'' yeah a few scratches and oh my god you made pie'' Dean said Sam chuckled behind him.

'' have you been crying'' Sam asked.

'' yeah I just watched a chick flick and cried'' I lied and faked a chuckle Dean stod behind me and kissed my cheek.

'' why don't you go and enjoy the pie and I go and the laundry'' I said and walked to our room and began to place the clean clothes in the closet.

'' baby is there something wrong'' Dean asked as he walked in the room. I bit my lip.

'' of course not'' I lied.

'' don't lie to me y/n i know when something is wrong'' Dean said. I went into the bathroom.

'' what is this'' Dean asked grabbing the pregnancy test of the nightstand. 'shit'

'' about that you are going to be a dad'' I said with tears in my eyes. Dean looked at me he threw the pregnancy test on the bed and walked out of the room. I followed him.

'' Dean say something please'' I said he ignored me and kept on walking I eventually broke down and fell to my knees. the door got slammed.

'' y/n what happened'' Sam asked next to me as he helped me up.

'' I am pregnant and Dean just walked away... I knew he would do that I knew he didn't want to be a father'' I said crying.

'' i am going to be an uncle'' Sam said i nodded Sam hugged me.

'' but what are you going to do right now'' Sam asked.

'' I am sorry Sam but I am going to leave I am not going to stay here will you tell Dean that I love him and that he is the reason i left'' I said Sam nodded. I prayed to Cas.

'' Y/n you called what is wrong'' Cas asked.

'' I am going to pack a bag will you please bring me to my uncle bobby'' I said wiping my tears.

'' of course but what did Dean do'' Cas asked Cas had Always been like a big brother to me very protective.

'' I told him I was pregnant and he left without saying anything'' I said tears where in my eyes again. I saw Castiel ball his hands into a fist as his knuckled turned white.

--------------------------- Time Skip brought to you by i have no idea what to put here---------------------

I had packed a bag and said goodbye to Sam I had made a quick little note for Dean. Cas had zapped me to Bobby his house.

'' thank you Cas I don't know when I'll see you again'' I said.

'' Y/n don't worry I am just a pray away if you need me'' Cas said and with that he was gone. I knocked on bobby his door.

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