Officer ( Dean Winchester)

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Okay so for any of you who know the serie CSI NY this is a cross over with that.

I was walking towards work I worked at the Crime Lab in new york. I walked in the building.

" hey y/n a new case got called in I am heading there right now" Flack said.

" can I ride with you than" I asked.

" sure" Flack said I walked after him and he started driving to the crime scene. We got out I went over to the vic.

" well this is quite something her throat is ripped out look likes bite marks" I said.

" wolf maybe" Flack said.

"Than it is a very big wolf" I said. I saw a guy standing against a car looking over at us. I slowly made my way over to him.

" okay pal time to go" I said.

" never thought a beautiful woman would tell me what to do" The man said. I put my hand on my hips and showed him my badge.

" the name is Dean" the man said.

" well Dean... if i were you I would leave cause I can arrest you for trespassing a crime scene" I said. Dean raised his hands in surrender over to me he got in his car and drove away. I went back. I saw that Danny and Mac also had arrived.

" geez what happened to this guy" Danny said.

" Flack think it's a wolf but than it has to be a awfully big one" I said.

" well lets photograph the scene and look for evidence" Mac said. Danny and I nodded. We went through the whole scene. Gathered all the evidence before going back to the crime lab. I saw two guys talking to Flack. I walked over to them.

"Well look who it is" I said.

" yeah they are fbi agent Tomms and agent Sanders" Flack said.

" Fbi huh check there badge numbers" I said. Flack nodded Dean looked a little nervous.

" everyone we dont know gets there badge checked" I said.

" and you are" agent Tomms said.

" Detective y/n Ross i work in the crime lab" I said.

" well it was nice talking to you two but I have to go" I said walking away from them I stepped in the elevator and pressed the button for the 35th floor. I got out of the elevator and went over to Adam my brother.

" hey there bro" I said patting him on the back.

"Hey y/n did you came to help me" Adam asked.

" i just came to say hi i got my own things I need to work on" I said. Adam chuckled. I walked away.

" so what do we gotta do" I asked to Danny.

" I need you to come with me to Sid" Mac said behind me. I nodded and walked after him.

" so Sid what do you got" I asked.

" well this something i never seen before her throat has been ripped out" Sid said ( you know in csi ny they are Always going very into detail with what everything is called I am not taking the time to find all that shit out cause this is a short imagine )

'' but I have looked into it and everything came back as animal and I did came across a COD believe it or not but she died from natural causes she died from a heart attack'' Sid said.

'' so that rules out Homiced so we don't have anything about the evidence we gathered'' Mac said.

'' I have looked into the wolf population here in new york and there a some wolves still in central park'' Sid said.

-------------------------------------- time skip-----------------------------------------------

'' bye Flack'' I said walking outside. it was already dark outside it was a cold december winter night. I put some earphones in and started walking through the Streets of new york. even above my music i heard rumbling. I put my hand on my gun I took on of the earbuds out.

'' who is there'' I said. no response.

'' I really need to lay of the horror movies'' I mumbled to myself. I started walking a little further. out of nowhere I got jumped and someone pushed me on the ground. I heard growling before blackness took over me.

I woke up in what looked like a old building.

'' who are you'' I called out.

'' no one you need to worry about Dear cause you are going to be dead in a bit'' the man said. he grabbed my arm and bit into it. I screamed in pain.

'' let her go you sun of a bitch'' I heard Dean? yell. I looked at the person that walked in and it was Dean with his partner. now I knew or sure they weren't FBI agents. A shot was heard and the monster fell on the ground dead.

Dean walked over to me.

'' are you okay'' he asked.

'' you are no FBI agent are you'' I said.

'' No I am not well I did tell you my Name Dean and that is my brother Sam over there we hunt things like that and save people dong so'' Dean said he untied me.

'' okay so just to be sure I wasn't seeing things that thing was a'' I asked.

'' a werewolf'' Dean said.

'' alright no than I know that I am not losing my mind out here'' I said.

'' we need to get you stitched up'' Sam said.

'' I rather go to a hospital'' I said.

'' and what are you going to explain to them it ain't no dog bite or wolf bite'' Dean said.

'' yeah you do got a point there'' I said.

'' I Always got a point'' Dean said winking I chuckled we walked to a car.

'' I do got to say Dean Sick ride man'' I said.

'' yeah she is a beauty got her from my father he passed it on to me'' Dean said.

'' my dad passed me his Harley a few years back I am restoring it'' I said.

'' I think I just found to woman of my dreams... Tell me you like pie'' Dean said.

'' oh hell yes apple pie for life'' I said.

'' Sammy I think I am in love'' Dean said my eyes widen.

'' y/n.. I never met a woman who can shoot, loves pie, can beat the crap out of you and loves old cars and motors'' Dean said with honesty.

'' don't you think you are going a bit to fast here Deany boy I mean I just met you today we don't know anything about each other'' I said.

'' than let's get pie and lets get to know each other'' Dean said. I chuckled.

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