Chapter Eight

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I didn't feel like doing this, but here I am lol. Also, to you guys reading it leave comments so I feel like a special nacho.

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It's been an hour since Josh had gotten off the phone with Brendon. Tyler was sitting on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He rolled over seeing Josh pacing around the room while looking at his phone. Before Tyler could say anything, the doorbell rang. Josh immediately stopped pacing at reached for the door seeing what he hadn't expected.

"JOOOOSH!" Pete exclaimed, hug-tackling Josh. Josh looked over his shoulder, glaring at Brendon. Tyler giggled in the background.

"Brendon, I said only for you to come.."

"Do you not like us, Josh?" Pete asked, pretending to look sad.

"Yeah I thought we were tight, man," Brendon chimed in. (a/n: WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF?)

"I know where you're coming from, but he has to be around more people to get more comfortable, Josh," Patrick whispered so only Josh could hear.

Tyler tilted his head in confusion, as the others had their secret conversation. 

They're obviously talking about you.

I know that but is a good way or a bad way..?

Most likely bad.

Tyler shook his head, trying to escape Blurryface. That won't happen but it was worth a shot. Brendon might have seen Tyler so he immediately changed the subject. "WHO WANTS TO GO OUT, I DON'T WANT TO BE IN HERE ALL DAY!" 

"I'll go out!" Patrick and Pete said simultaneously, while Josh and Tyler just shrugged. Brendon cheered and opened the door to let everyone out first. Tyler looked back at him, and Brendon winked at him.

I think he saw me..

Nice job Tyler. Might as well just say my name out loud next time.

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Sorry for the short/trashy chapter, I wasn't really up to it today. I had an idea last week but I forgot it. I'm gonna actually write down my idea this time lol.

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