Chapter Eleven

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I wanna die. Oh, and here's a cute filler yet not so filler chapter. Mostly not really a filler chapter. Depends how you look at it. Moreover how I look at it since I know the plot to the story ;)

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(a/n: Sorry but it's 9:11 PM I have to point this out. [Triggered Comments: NO YOU DIDN'T THAT WAS A SERIOUS EVENT!!!11!NFREIFNEIRNG] Lmao kill me I'm on caffeine.)

Josh sat at his desk, spinning around in his chair. He groaned as he stared at the date in the corner of his computer: September 5th. School was tomorrow and he still didn't buy his books for himself and Tyler. Screw it, last minute shopping is the way to go. Josh pulled out his wallet and he counted the money. They had enough for the textbooks, but not notebooks. Who cares. There's always looseleaf paper. 

Lazily, he slid out of his chair onto the floor. He stood up and started towards the door. After a few seconds, he was greeted by a sleepy tired who had a messy fringe going on. Josh couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight in front of him. Tyler rubbed his eyes, forcing himself to try and wake up. He let out a muffled "good morning" while looking up at the taller boy. Josh knelt down to Tyler's height, making them both crack a smile.

"Where are you heading?" Tyler asked sleepily. 

"I'm just heading out to buy textbooks for school tomorrow," He responded, looking at the younger boy who had a confused look on his face.

"You didn't buy your books before?"

"Early shopping is for the weak!" Josh shouted, raising his hands and hitting his right hand the wall beside him. He held his right hand with his left and let out a grunt. Tyler smiled at Josh who was glaring at the wall next to him as if it were a person. He grabbed his arm and looked down at Tyler. "So, do you want to come with me?"

Tyler nodded, while walking towards the bathroom into a different set of clothing. He returned to the door and they exited.

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The two boys walked into the store to buy their $200 textbooks that they were only going to use once. After a few minutes into shopping, Josh received a tap on his shoulder. He looked over and spotted a fellow junior from his class. "Yo Joshua!"

A grin spread across Josh's face as he turned to face the boy. "Hey Bryan!" Tyler looked at Josh confusingly, and got an immediate response. "Oh, Tyler, this is Bryan. Bryan, this is Tyler."

Bryan turned from Josh to Tyler, and a wide smile appeared on his face. "Nice to meet you, Tyler!" Tyler gave him a small wave in response, and Bryan blushing in the process. Bryan soon catches himself and turns to Josh. "So, why're you here?"

"Just buying textbooks we are never going to use, you?"

Bryan let out a chuckle. "Same as you my friend. Is it okay if I come with you?" His face lights up with excitement after both Josh and Tyler nod in agreement.

Time skip to them finishing buying the books because I'm lazy..

They walk outside the store holding their useless textbooks, Josh and Bryan talking while Tyler is deep in his thoughts staring at the sunset. Josh and Tyler arrived at their cars, and Bryan turned to Tyler when Josh walked into the front seat of the car.

"So um, Tyler.. I was wondering if I could get your number?" Bryan asked a bit awkwardly. "I know it's awkward getting a number from someone you just met but-" he was interrupted by a blushing Tyler, who was slightly chuckling.

"Y-yeah.. you can have my number.." (a/n: I know he doesn't have a phone he was kidnapped. Just make up a stupid/serious story of how he got one. I'm too lazy to think one up.)

Bryan's face consisted only a huge smile across his face as Tyler put in the digits in his phone. Once they exchanged phone numbers, they waved goodbye and Tyler sat in the passenger seat greeted by a grinning Josh who's eyebrows were bouncing jokingly.

Tyler gave him an (extremely lol sorry) light punch in the shoulder then turned back to the window.

I don't believe that guy's love is shit.

You can't be happy for me can you..?

He doesn't even know who you are. That's fake love, Ty. He probably knows who you are and wants to try and make you feel better with no avail, or hurt you and date you for your body at the same time. I don't know why your body though because you're a fat rat.

Tyler quickly looked at his stomach. It's flat as a board but the shirt hanging away from his body looked like his stomach was taking place for the air.

You're right.. but I want to give him a chance.

Blurry let out a sigh and continued.

Alright.. don't say I didn't warn you, Ty..

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I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I hate school and there's so much work. I had almost 10 tests in one week like DUDE. Also sorry for the cursing it's for the effect for the "evil" characters. I'm trying not to curse now because I would be classified as a smol bean apparently if I did so.. Yeah I just want to walk away from conversations with the excuse "I'm a bean." Okay I'm rambling.. TOODLES!

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