Harry Potter Comforts Who?

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Harry was walking by the lake. He sees a slim blonde haired boy throwing rocks into the black lake.

Harry neared, Draco turned around. "What are you doing here, Potter?" He asked, narrowing his pale eyes at Harry. 

"The same reason, you are Malfoy..." Harry flopped back on the soft green grass. He sighed, he jolted up and threw a rock into the lake, there was silence, Harry flopped back down to the ground, "It's about my godfather," Harry turned seeing Malfoy lying down too "he's dead. Sirius, dead... So, Draco, why are you here?" Draco sighed, then turned to look at Harry. Draco gave a slight chuckle.

"That's none of your buisness, Potter." Draco spat, Harry had tears streaking from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. Draco heaved a deep sigh, and got up he threw a couple of more rocks. 

"It's...This task I have to do, Potter... Something you wouldn't understand." Draco laid down again, looking at the blue cloudless sky. Harry's arm was so close to his, he held it tightly, they looked at each other... Harry smiled.

"Look's like we're having similar problems, Malfoy... I lost my godfather, you have an "impossible" task, that's giving you suffering pain." Harry said. He realised Draco was crying. He didn't like seeing him cry, he felt bad. Really bad. Harry sat up, still hands locked, Malfoy quickly wiped away tears, Draco gripped Harry's hand tighter for comfort. Draco stared at his green eyes. Footsteps and shouts came from behind them.They didn't turn around.

"HARRY!HARRY!" Hermione shouted. 

Harry, leaned in and hugged Draco. "W-what are you doing, Harry?" Draco asked. Harry never heard Malfoy use his first name before. Harry smiled. He hugged tighter. 

"I'm comforting you, Draco... You're a friend. My friend." Harry said. Draco smiled back. 

"HARRY! There you-" Ron said, he stopped, seeing his best mate hug the guy he hated. Hermione, Ron and Ginny stared in shock. 

"Harry..." Draco began.

"Yes, Draco?"

"Thanks. A lot." 

Harry un-hugged him and stared into each other's eyes. "I'm-I'm sorry about your godfather." Malfoy said, smiling. Looking brighter than ever, he never got a hug before. Never. Except now.

"It's okay, Draco..." 

Ron's eye twitched. "'Mione. What.Did.I.Just.Witness?" Ron asked, dazed. Draco and Harry turned, Harry blushed. Harry stroked Draco's arm, and smiled at him and walked over to his friends, "hey, guys." Harry said sheepishly. he didn't want to leave Malfoy here all alone. But Ron had a really good excuse. 

"Harry! Quidditch practice-Also, what were you doing?!" Ron said. He slapped Harry in the face, he looked at Ginny. She looked confused yet hurt. 

"Harry. Explain. Now." Ginny said sternly.

Harry had a strange feeling. Malfoy looked at him. He looked back, as they were walking away, he felt arms around him. At first he thought it was Ginny, but it was Draco.

"Never leave me." He whispered.

"I'll never forget you." Harry replied back. Harry heard running, he supposed Ron Hermione and Ginny left him. 

They  were left lying on the grass. Sleeping. Holding hands, smiling. 

Harry never felt this happy in ages. Not since he hung out with Sirius. He was glad Draco and him were getting along. 

The moon shone brightly. Leaving them to the cold night.

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