Falling Deep

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Draco sighed, he looked out the window of his room. He was having a bad day... "Can you tell me what's wrong with me?" He asked, to his owl. He hooted. "Exactly! You're a bird! You won't give me an answer!Not any answer!" His so called 'night out' with Pansy didn't turn out well... His Father interrupted, but he didn't like her anyway, now his parents are raging mad that he didn't end up with a girl like Pansy.

"STUPID LITTLE-!" Draco spat. A white owl flew through the window, with a letter attached to it's leg. "Hedwig?" What was Hedwig doing here? Unless... It couldn't. He was dreaming. Harry never sent a letter to him. He was excited...

He quickly opened it:

Dear Draco,

 I hope you're well. I have a potions Essay to finish, I really hope I can beat you at Quidditch next week. How are you and Pansy? I'm not sure if Ron and Hermione want to hang out with me whenever you're around. I'm sure they'll come around soon. See you, Ferret.

Harry :)

What should he reply with? Hedwig was squeaking loudly, it made his ears hurt. He doesn't know how Harry can live with this noise... 

"DRACO!MEETING!NOW!" Lucius called.

Again. Another Death Eater meeting. Great. Just boring lectures from the Dark Lord on how to kill Harry...About the 22nd Lecture this month. GRR! So ANNOYING!

Draco felt so annoyed that he was brandished with the Dark Mark. he walked downstairs, seeing the Death eaters all clattered in groups, talking and shouting at each other:

"Potter won't know what hit him!"

"Riddle's plans will never work!"

"SHUT IT!-The Dark Lord knows what's he's doing..."

"yes, Bella is right. He knows what's he's doing. He just needs the boy and we-"

"Voldemort doesn't know anything!" That was a female voice. He never heard that voice before; he stopped. Bellatrix and his mother was arguing with a girl. Around his age probably or younger.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY HIS NAME!" Bellatrix screeched. "YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF SAYING HIS NAME, WINTER!" She pointed her wand at the girl. She didn't look scared. She had blond hair, blue eyes and wore dark clothes. Her hair was put in a braid and on her left arm was the Mark. 

"Voldemort's his name. And I'm going to use it. Do you EVER pay attention, Lestrange? Let's look at his plans... Okay, trying to kill Harry by connecting to Quirrell's head. NO! Trying to destroy him by a diary. NO! Trying to get Wormtail to kill him. NO! Instead, he fights off Dementors! Trying to kill him with returning by the Triwizard Tournament. NO! trying to 'possess' him and reach his mind. Um, NO! Look! Just-look-what-his-plans-were!" She said. 

His mother turned to see him standing there staring... "Draco! This is... A new Death Eater...Crystal Winter..." He never seen his mother look so nervous around a "girl" or anyone exactly.

They shook hands. She didn't look like she liked being here. "Now," Bellatrix said, "where were we? Oh, yes... His plans will work, Winter. I.Promise."

"Hmph." Crystal folded her arms and glared at Bellatrix. 

"Draco!" His father was calling him. Draco walked over. A thousand pair of eyes were looking at him suspiciously. His neared his father, "now, Draco. Ahem. Well, i want you to know, came in contact with Potter, lately?"

"Well..." He tried to think. He didn't want Harry to die. or himself at this matter. "No...I don't think so."

"Good. Because, you and Winter and me are going to search for Potter and capture him. Got it?"

He hated jobs like these.

"Fine!" He groaned. "As long... As we get the job done. Unlike last time, we didn't even get to do anything!"

"Now now, Draco. Come on. Let's get Winter and go."

Draco followed him over to where Crystal Winter was standing. Alone. "Hey." She said sternly, folding her arms. "So... I bet it's the mission we have to do-right, Lucius?" She said glaring at Mr Malfoy.

"That is correct, Winter. Chop.Chop."

"Wait," Draco said "what about the meeting?"

"Nah.Don't worry about that..." She said, her arms still folded. Man... She's stubborn.

"Just. Follow. My.Orders. Now..." Lucius said sternly. They followed him, like magnets. They were outside the house. Thestrals were there. "What are we supposed to be seeing?" Crystal asked. "Oh-wait, I see them. Dammit. Thestrals. Fast yet hard to see." 

"Hop on, then!" Lucius said. He grabbed Draco, closer to him, "listen, son, don't get too close to her. You see. She can... Read Minds."

"She can-what?"

"Just... Be careful. Okay?" Mind Reader? Was that even possible. Crystal threw herself on the back of the skeleton-like creature, Draco gulped. How fast exactly? 

"Here," she said, she hopped off hers and went to the one next to her. She started stroking the Thestral, "now... I know this seems strange. But, since the weather is changing, Thestrals aren't going as fast as they used to. But I made this little guy over here, slower for you." 

They hopped on the animals. "How did you know that? I thought only that Loony Lovegood girl, can do facts like that."

"Yes, I knew that she came up with that fact. It's true though."

"Have you ever been on a Thestral before?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

They flew off, "where are we going, father?" Draco called. 

"HOGWARTS!" Lucius shouted back. Crystal stood on the Thestral and did a backflip, show off  She went upside down on her Thestral, and flew to him. 

"Been to Hogwarts, I hear? Slytherin?"


"Friends with, Harry.Godfather is Severus Snape. Sad he couldn't come to the meeting. Anyway, experienced Voldemort?"

he looked closer. She had a deep cut on her right cheek. "What happened?"

"Oh. This?" She said pointing to her scar, "yeah... Voldemort did that. Also, why are people so afraid to say his name? Makes no sense!" She flipped rightway now. He reconsigned is instantly. The Hogwart's castle. 

They landed with a thump. 

"Harry...Is near. I-I can feel it." Crystal said, how does she even know?

"Okay, you're crazy."

"Am not, Ferret." She said. Only Harry calls him Ferret. She really can read minds.

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