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Harry's POV:

I felt wierd. Draco and I. In detention. Why again? Oh yeah. Sneaking out in the early winter morning... Snape's Detention is boring and hard. His instructions are easy. Okay to be honest I didn't like the rules much:

1.No Talking To Each Other

2.Must be separated

3.Write these lines: I must not go out of my dormitory without permission.

4. No contact

5. If not completed, do next week.

I hated those rules... I wrote the lines over and over again and again. Until my hand ached to death. I glance at Draco, I quickly look back. For once I actually want him to stare at me. Once again, I had this wierd warm feeling whenever, I approach him now. To be honest, I think after adding my symptoms, I like him more than friends now. I think. I hope he feels the same way... I mean, it isn't like I have a crush on him or anything. Man... I need to ask Hermione about this.

Draco's POV:

I stare at him. His green eyes. Dark hair-AGAIN! STOP IT DRACO! Okay.


I wrote down my lines. I felt bored. Really bored. I glance at Professor Snape, "sir?" I asked, making Harry jump. It has been silent for over an hour now...

"Yes, Draco?"

"When-when is this detention gonna be over?" He glared at me. Fire in his eyes...He know what I was thinking. I wanted to hang out with Harry again. He just went silent and gave me no answer. Writing... 

 must not go out of my dormitory without permission.

 must not go out of my dormitory without permission.

 must not go out of my dormitory without permission.

Over and over. I almost DIED, doing this. Finally. Detention was over, but I didn't like how Snape dismissed me early, nuh uh! I'm staying with Harry. "You may go." Snape said after twenty minutes.


"Yes, sir?"

"You'll be staying."

I sat in my seat. Not moving at all. "Malfoy, what do you think you're doing?I told you to go-"

"I'm sticking with Harry whether you like it or not."

"I told you... To be dismissed!"

"Listen!" I cried "Just because you don't like Harry doesn't mean you should keep him in longer!"

"How-dare-you! I have always cared for the boy." He said. Making Harry blush. I was so irritated.

"Draco..." Harry whispered. Snape glared at him, "do as he asks. Just go."

"No!" I half-shouted. "I'm-staying-with-you!" I protested.

"Just go, Ferret." He mumbled. Maybe he doesn't want me anymore. It was my fault I probably humiliated him because of the kiss. I feel bad. But, I leave the room anyway.= struggling to fight back tears. I tried not to look back.

Harry's POV:

Draco was dismissed early but he stood up for me...Why? I put him in so much trouble! I was the one who made him upset from that failed Meet Up! I was the one he freed and then he got hurt! It's all MY FAULT! I should be standing up for him!

But after detention, I don't head to Gryffindor Common Room...I head to the dungeons. Where the Slytherin Common Room is. I know I don't have the password, but I at least have to try. I have to talk to him. 

Hopefully I won't stammer up like last time. There was a portrait, of-actually I have no idea what it was. I heard a girl inside, I have been in here before. Using Polyjuice Potion. Remember? Anyway, the voice was giggling madly. It actually sounded like...

"Drakey Wakey!What's wrong?" Pansy squealed.

"Nothing..." Draco said, obviously crying a little.

"What happened Drakie?" Pansy asked. Ugh! That sickening voice!Those nicknames! How does my crush-I mean, Draco deal with this annoying Mandrake?!

"Pansy-It's nothing. Really."

"Awww! Huggie wuggie time!"

I can tell Draco was startled because I heard a gasp. That's it. I NEED to get in there. How? Can I just knock? I knocked. The painting glared at me. "Get your filthy hands off me!" It snapped. I ignored it.

I knock again. It opened. Pansy was there, she tries to cover up Draco, who's behind her. "Potter. What do you want?-If it's about Draco. He doesn't want you he's upset at you. So don't even bother  talking to him!"

It is my fault... We can never be friends again! I felt like I was sinking into a deep hole of darkness, I turn around tears in my eyes. I run, leaving Pansy smiling. I hear my name, I didn't turn back.


I run faster. Faster. To the Common Room. I wipe my tears away. "H-Hippogriff Hump." I stammer. The Fat Lady opened up... I lay on the couch. I groan. Hermione comes down, I see her I instantly sat up.

"Harry-what's wrong?" She asks. I sigh, I look into her eyes... "Ron and I have been asking Professors. You've been gone for a while."

I took a deep breath and resumed everything. Even how I felt about Draco.

She rubbed my back comfortingly. "Pansy's a git. Don't listen to her...And you and Draco-um kissed?" We hear footsteps.

"THEY DID WHAT?!" Ron shouted taking a spot next to me.

"Quiet down! Ronald! You're going to wake up the entire Common Room!" Hermione hissed, still rubbing my back. I hang my head down, low. Tears leaking from the sockets of my eyes. 

"Harry-I heard enough-Stop hanging out with Dra-Malfoy." Ron said.

"I want to hang out with him." I whimpered. "Why can't I do that?"

"Well-he's Malfoy! Besides I thought you and Ginny were um together."

"I'll tell her later."

I don't know how Draco's going at his end. But I'm just sitting down. Moaning and crying.


They both didn't know what to do. They both felt hopeless. They both had feelings. Both stuck with a girl, that they know will feel heartbroken if they tell them the truth...

"I want to hang out with Draco he's my friend. My best friend." Harry said.

"Harry's a true friend. One I can trust. One that makes me feel-better." Draco mumbled...

A night. Two more weeks. The term will be done.

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