Chapter 17

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Laken's POV 

          I'm sitting on Zach's bed as he packs. We have a flight later today, it's only 9 in the morning. " I'm sleepy," I groan. " Go to sleep then," Zach laughs. I roll over and lay with my head off the side of the bed," but I want to help you pack." He scoffs and throws a t-shirt at me," You're not even helping me, you're laying there and laughing at all of my clothes." I shrug and smile at him. I get up off his bed and walk over to his drawer. He has the snow globe sitting on the top of his drawer. I pick it up and flip it over. " If you keep shaking that thing, you're gonna give mini me and you a headache," Zach laughs. I sit it down on his drawer and watch the snow fall. That's something else I had to say goodbye to when I moved here, snow. We had beautiful snowy winters in Canada. " You should take this," I say while grabbing a leather jacket out of his drawer. He puts it on and laughs," I look like a biker." My phone dings and I pull it out to see a message from my real estate agent. " My real estate agent just told me to call her, maybe it's good news?" I say in a question tone, hopping onto Zach's dresser and pressing the call button. I put it on speaker and it rings twice before I get an answer. " Laken I need you to get to my office, a-s-a-p," She says. I look over at Zach. " How long will it take, I've got a flight at 12 and its almost 9:30?" I ask. " Not long at all, I just need you to sign some papers," she answers. I look at Zach again, then respond," Okay, I'll swing by on my way to the airport." I hear shuffling on the other side of the phone and she says," Okay see you." Then the phone dings. " Wonder what that could be," I say sarcastically. Zach gives me a 'you're kidding right' face and I laugh. " Okay come on, lets finishes packing," Zach adds, pulling me off his dresser. " I'm already packed, you just need to make up your mind on clothes," I laugh, sitting back on his bed. 

          Zach finally finishes packing around fifteenth minutes until ten. We grab our bags and put get an Uber. When we're walking out Zach yells back to the guys," We'll meet you at the airport!" Corbyn and Jonah bust out laughing as Daniel yells back," Don't be late." Zach and I walk out to the Uber and put our stuff in the back and head over to the real estate office. I pay the Uber to wait for us as we go inside. Zach opens the door for me and I smile at him. He follows me back to the office. " Hey, Sweetie!" My agent says. She hands me a pen and Zach and I sit down in front of her. She is reading me a bunch of papers and it feels like it takes forever. " And sign here and initial here and the house is yours," she smiles. I grip the pen tightly, knowing that once I sign there is no backing out. I look over at Zach who nods towards the paper, encouraging me to sign. I finally sign and lay the pen down. " Well that's it," the agent says stretching her hand out, I shake her hand as she continues," your dream house is officially yours!" I smile standing up and hugging Zach. The agent hands me the keys and Zach and I walk back out to the Uber. " I can't believe I just bought my own house," I say, in a state of shock. " You did," Zach smiles, as I lay my head over on his shoulder. We get to the airport in plenty of time to check in and head to the gate, through security. We meet up with the boys, Jack walks over and hugs me. " How'd it go?" He asks. I purse my lips and nod," I bought the house guys! It's finalized and I can move in when we get back!" The boys all congratulate and hug me. Our boarding number is called and we board onto business class. I sit in between Zach and Jack. Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel are all sitting in the row ahead of us.  I'm playing with Jack's curls while playing a game on my phone. 

          We finally take off and we are all allowed to unbuckle and get back on our phones. I lay my head over on Zach and prop my feet up on Jack. " I'm going to sleep, this flight it is way too long to stay awake," I groan. Jack laughs and Zach lays back a little so my head isn't in an uncomfortable position. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Zach's POV

          " I really like her," I say out of random. Jack looks over at me, and the boys look back over the seat. Daniel says," Well no duh." Jonah chimes in with," obviously." And Corbyn adds," You're the last to know." They all laugh and sit back down. " They're not wrong," Jack says. I look over at him," It's that obvious?" He nods," It's been obvious since you decided to kiss her on the pier, and get caught, and exposed, then you did that like two times again." We both laugh and I look down at Laken. Every since I've met her, I've thought she was an angel. She's like something sent from Heaven that God crafted for me. I kiss her on her forehead. " Hey Jack?" I ask, looking over. " Mhm?" He mumbles, looking up from his phone. " You remember the day you called Laken all that stuff when you were trying to get me to admit I liked her. And like I yelled at you and all that stuff?" I question. He nods," What about it?" I shift myself, carefully not to wake Laken. " Did you, you know, mean all of it. Because it sounded like you did, and like you like her," I ask. The only reason I'm asking him is because I can't have one of my best friends, falling for the girl I like. " Yes, I meant it, I mean look at her, she's perfect. But I don't like her, not like that at least. She's my best friend, you have nothing to worry about," He answers. He looks back down at his phone and finishes playing his game. I sigh and look out the window.


Word count: 1133 

I'm playing fallout, I was waiting for it to update lmao

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