Just An Ordinary Day (Dante x Reader)

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I put this specific song cause it gave me inspiration to write this shot, enjoy. :3 Sorry if there are any grammar spells. ;^;

(y/n) ➡️Your name
(e/c) ➡️Eye color
(h/l) ➡️Hair length
(h/c) ➡️ Hair color
(f/n) ➡️ Friend name
(f/c) ➡️ Favorite color
(f/s) ➡️Favorite song
It was a Monday morning, you have just woke up from your long lasting sleep with your (h/l) (h/c) covering your face, yesterday was Sunday and also your only day off. You were a college student so you needed money to pay your tuition fees. So you had a found a job as waitress in a strip club named "Love Planet" sounds pretty slutty, huh? Well you needed the money so you didn't give a damn, besides you didn't do anything bad you were just there serving drinks anyway and you also knew how to defend yourself. You got up from your bed, you dressed up, you grabbed something to eat and you left quick for the bus stop to take the bus and go to your college. When you arrived to your college, you spotted your best friend so you went towards her, "Morning f/n, are you ready for one more crazy night?" she laughed "Of course beautiful, aren't I always?" you and her happened to work in the same place so you understand better each other. You walked together to class.
~Time passed~
The last bell rang. You came out from your last class. "See ya tonight, y/n" "Sure thing girl, take care." You once again went towards the bus stop to take the bus for your home. As soon as you got home, you took a hot shower and you relaxed at your couch. Four hours later your phone rang, it was your best friend "Hey y/n, are you still sleeping?" you laughed "Oh you know me so damn well, f/n." "Come on sleeping beauty, take your ass off the couch and start to get dress, I will come to pick you up in thirty minutes." You took a look at the clock yawning, you went towards the bathroom to pour a little water on your face, then you moved towards your wardrobe to pick some clothes for tonight as always.
You picked a little cute but also sexy (f/c) top, for the bottom a (f/c) ripped jean shorts with some black thigh high socks over the knee and some black leather block chunky high heels platforms. You put your headphones on listening to (f/s) as you did your simply yet beautiful make up that highlighted your (e/c) also you straightened your (h/l) (h/c).
Not long time passed and your entryphone rang. "Yes?" "It's me y/n" "I'll be there in a minute, f/n" you put a little perfume and quickly went down to meet your friend. "Hey f/n, sorry if I keep you waiting." "Nah not at all but damn girl you look pretty hot." you laughed and punched her shoulder lightly "You don't look bad either. So shall we get going? Cause I don't want to stay without job." she laughed "Oh you don't need to be so exaggerated, y/n. Let's go."
~Both of you entered into the club~
You and f/n went to your posts, the place was almost full, the girls were dancing on the stage.
You looked with disgust all those men who were around you probably the most of them will be drunk already.
You sat there lost in your thoughts as the music plays in the background.
"The world was on fire and no one could save me by you.."
Then your eyes caught looking a guy who just entered into the club. He is pretty tall, he has snow white hair and crystal blue eyes, he wear a long sleeve red coat, black half finger gloves, *cough cough* he was shirtless by the way also he wear brown trousers and black boots, behind him he is carrying two guns, one black and one white. You have to admit it you were pretty impressed and f/n noticed that.
"It's strange what desire will make foolish people do, I'd never dreamed that I meet somebody like you and I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you.."
F/n shook her hand in front of you "Heyy y/n, you're spacing out. Are you mind telling me what caught your attention that much?" you blushed and shook your hand then looked at her "E-Eh n-nothing, what are you talking about?" she laughed at you and she nipped her eyes torwards the white haired guy then she said playfull "Hmm now I see, you should go and get his order." "What?? N-No! You better have to go." "Nah stop being so shy y/n, go get him" she pushed you lightly and give you a wink. You whispered "Dammit!" and went towards him.
"No, I don't wanna fall in love..
(This world only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love..
(This world only gonna break your heart)
With you.."
Before you even realised you were already in front of him. He looked at you from top to bottom, you blushed lightly. "What can I bring for you?" "The usual." you looked at him a little confused, he smirked "Just say my name to the bar man and he will understand." "Eh, fine, but what's your name?" "My name is Dante." you were about to leave and go towards the bar but suddenly you felt a hand hold your wrist. "Wait, I didn't catch your name, babe." "I'm y/n, can you please let me go back to my job, Dante?" "Whatever you say, babe." he let you go so you can go towards to the bar and get his drink. Your best friend came to you to tease you "I think a special someone here hit the jackpot." you rolled your eyes "Oh cut the bullshits f/n, don't get the wrong idea, nothing happened." she laughed once more with your visible blushed cheeks. You went towards to Dante to give him his drink. "Here." "Thanks, y/n."
As you walked away you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. "Nah, no way." you thought.
"No I don't want to fall in love
(This world is always gonna brake your heart)
No I don't want to fall in love
(This world is always gonna brake your heart)
with you.."
You went to take one more order from a group of guys not very far from Dante's table. "What can I bring for you guys?" you felt a little uncomfortable cause they were looking at you somewhat weird and deep down you knew were this will go and you weren't in mood to get into a fight right now.
"The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you.."
"Hmm, how about bring yourself to us cutie?" you were starting to get pissed "Nah sorry I will pass." you were about to walk away from them when one of them grabbed your wrists violently, you hissed in pain.
"It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.."
"Ah tch, not so fast sweetheart, we didn't over yet." you tried to free your wrists but you failed, you couldn't scream either cause the music was so loud. "Let me go, you asshole!" Dante saw the whole scene from where he was standing and he starts walking towards you.
"No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no.."
The guy who was holding you saw him. "Got any problem snow white?" Dante smirked "No not all, I was just wondering. Didn't your mom teach you how to treat a lady?" You could see the face of this guy turning into red from the anger. "You want to get your ass beaten, motherfucker?" Dante looked at him with disappointment and shook his head "I guess that means no." the guy let go of me and tried to punch Dante in the face. "Stop it." you screamed. Dante dodged the punch easily then he grabbed the guys fist and hit him instead. You were impressed he was so fast. The guy was holding now his broken bleeding nose, he looked furious. "Let's get the fuck outta of here." Him and his squad left the place quick.
"Now I want to fall in love
(This world is always gonna brake your heart) .."
Dante came towards you "Are you okay, y/n?" you blushed again as you looked deep into his crystal blue eyes.
"Now I want to fall in lust
(This world is always gonna brake your heart)
with you.."
"Y-Yes, I'm fine, t-thank you Dante." he gave you a smile and then he grabbed your hand softly placing a gently kiss on it.
"Anytime, babe."
"Nobody loves no one."

~Devil May Cry and DmC (One Shots)~Where stories live. Discover now