Author's Update

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Heyy guys, how are you doing? ♡

Sorry for not writing anything for a while but I am super busy in this semester, and I don't have time for anything else except my school projects plus my exams are also on the way, I'm so close to lose my shit completely cause I'm so stressed and I think that I won't make it and I will fail completely..*sobs* ;-;

And this day can't be any better, I woke up in the middle of the night trembling, I quickly get off from the bed and grab the thermometer aand puff guess who's having fever..Yeaah Me🤒

I hope I'll make it today cause I have classes for 6 hours in front of a computer screen..😭💻

Love you all and thank you so much for your votes 🖤

Funny thing is that my temporary (hope so) sickness gave me an idea for new one shot, stay tuned~ :3 ♡

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