Vergil's Story (Part 3) [Vergil x F!Reader]

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~°~°~°~°FEW DAYS LATER°~°~°~°~°~

A few days have past and you finally convinced Dante to take you to see Vergil. Dante wasn't so sure about this, because he knew his brother really well and he was afraid that he might try to hurt you. From the other hand you were a little excited about meeting your old friend (ehm and also your first crush) even if you heard from Dante that Vergil wasn't the guy you used to know. Besides, you had one important thing to do, to get revenge for the death of your parents. And to achieve that you need help from both of your friends. After a really long "walk" you and Dante arrived in a location where Vergil should be. You and Dante heard footsteps, and both of you took out your weapons. "(Y/N), stay here and don't make a sound!" Dante whispered to you, "No way I'm staying here, I'm coming with you." you said, Dante rolled his eyes, and you took your tongue out mocking him. The both of you killed some demons afterwards. "We are doing one hell of a team together. I wonder what else we can do together.." Dante said and smirked, "Tch, pervert!" you smiled at him and punch his shoulder lightly. Dante laughed.


Both you and Dante found yourselves in a kinda familiar place. When you gave it a second look you where pretty sure that this used to be the house that boys lived with their parents, many memories past through your mind. You gave a look at Dante and you could see just how bad he felt being here where all started and all ended for his happy family. It broke your heart see him this way. You noticed a figure from a far sitting in an old almost completely ruined armchair, Dante noticed that too, and from his reaction you were almost sure that the figure belongs to Vergil. You broke the silence, "Dante, please, let me try to talk to him." Dante grabbed your wrist and gave you a serious look "Fine, but if he tries to lay a hand on you, I.." in split second the figure has gone, and the both of you stood there frozen. You heard a voice coming from behind, you and Dante turn instantly and aim your guns to Vergil. Vergil smirked and he was ready to take Yamato out but when he saw you he put it back in its case. "Long time no see, little foolish brother." Vergil said to mock Dante, then he turned his glare at you "Well, well look who else we got here.." you felt your heart aching feeling his icy blue eyes staring at you, your cheeks became crimson red and you start stuttering "V-Vergil, I-I'm so happy seeing you again after so many years.." Vergil seemed a little surprise from your reaction but he didn't show any other emotions, and that made you kinda sad, you didn't say anything else and looked away.. "Maybe Dante was right, you thought, maybe Vergil wasn't the sweet kid that I once knew and fell in love with." Many things were going on inside your head right now and you had mixed feelings, sadness, hatred, disappointment. You felt your (e/c) eyes start watering but only one thing matters for you now, to get revenge for the death of your parents. You tighten your fists and took a deep breath. Dante noticed that you got upset "Hey (y/n), are you alright?" you didn't say anything, you just nodded your head in affirmation, then Dante turn back to his older brother "Yo Vergil, can you just for once try not to be an asshole? You can do and say whatever you want to me I couldn't care less, but you could at least treat (y/n) better, she did nothing wrong.. " Vergil ignored Dante and you and tried to walk away, then Dante got pissed off from his action and took out the Rebellion "Dammit, I guess we have to do this with the difficult way.." Vergil stop in his tracks and took out the Yamato again, he turn and look at Dante with a grin "Now we are talking brother, are you ready to lose on more battle?" Dante smirked "In your dreams, bookworm!" before the twins were about to strike, you run and stand between their swords, both of them stop automatically, Vergil said "What do you think you are doing (y/n)?" and Dante also yelled "(y/n) what the hell?! Are you having a death wish or something?" you gave a death glare in both of them and you start almost yelling at them "Both of you cut the bullshits! I don't know why are you doing this and why you two always fighting and try to kill each other, I understand that you have been through a lot and that you have difficult lives. The only thing I don't understand is why you left everything go to hell and didn't try to stick together and get through all of these like a family, like siblings. I always used to see you both as my best friends and also as my family, but right now seeing you acting like this it feels like the people I once knew gone. I lost my parents and now sadly I'm seeing that I lost my friends as well. I have nothing else to say, I'm sorry that I bothered you. I'm leaving, do whatever the fuck you want.." now you can't control your emotions anymore and you start crying, you tried to run away but surprisingly Vergil grabbed your arm and didn't let you go "I have nothing against you (y/n), I'm sorry, I also didn't know that your parents died, what happened?" you wiped your tears and turn to look at him "My parents didn't just die, they got murdered by fucking demons. That's why I came here to search for you and Dante to help me find them and kill them. The only thing that brought me joy was that I will see my beloved friends again after so many years but the things didn't turn out so well as I imagine.." Vergil free your arm and looked at you with sad eyes, you almost couldn't believe that he finally shows emotions, he noticed that you start to staring at him and looked away "You are right (y/n), we shouldn't have start all these bullshits, I'm so sorry too. Now we have to focus on you.." Dante said looking at you with puppy eyes, right now you couldn't help yourself but giggle a little, the sons of Sparda were stand here right in front of you like two little kids that their mother has yelled to them, at the same time you didn't know if you wanted to hug them or smash their heads "Let's get to work then, you dumbasses.." both of them look at you with annoyance, then they said simultaneously "Yes ma'am!"

~°~°~°TWO HOURS LATER°~°~°~

The three of you made a plan to kill the demons who murder your parents, Dante and Vergil were able to locate them thanks to their half demon blood. They took you to them, only looking at those scum demons made your blood boiling, you wanted to run straight into them and rip their fucking heads off but the boys stopped you. "Thanks for helping me guys, now let me take care of them." Vergil looked at you with a raised eyebrow "You are not going anywhere, there's no way we are gonna let you go alone!" both you and Dante looked shooked by Vergil's reaction, then Dante start to tease Vergil again "Wow big bro look at you, and for a moment I thought that you were completely emotionless.." Vergil blush a little and started to get angry again "Shut up Dante!" you rolled your eyes thinking that their going to start again their sibling rivalry bullshit, and you gave them a death glare once again "Okay, okay. I get it, you are not going to let me do this alone, I only want you to let me do one thing to let me give those fuckers the last shot, deal?" they both look at you and sighed and said "Deal." you can't help yourself but thinking about how Vergil looked at you previously, you felt your heart aching and your cheeks starting to become red again, damn, you still have a huge crush on him "(y/n), it's your turn.." Dante's voice stopped your day dreaming you shook your head, and you took out your two beautiful guns Lunatic and Eclipse and aim at them to give in these fuckers the last shot, the only thing that heard was two gunshots and the two demons who screamed in agony you put your guns back to their cases, you held tightly the necklace that your mother gave you and reach to the sky "I did it mum and dad, you can both rest in peace now. I love you, I hope to be able to see you again someday.." now you turn to look the boys who were stand right behind you, you start crying again and gave them a smile "Thank you, both of you for helping me." Dante gave you a soft smile as well "No need to thank us, we are friends remember? Personally I would do anything for someone who is so important to me." you gave Dante a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, Vergil gave you one last glare and started to walk away, you noticed that and you wanted to run after him, Dante noticed that as well and let you go "Oh, well that was the best payment I've ever got. I'll miss you girl, I hope to see you again soon. Now go and catch up with my asshole brother." you rolled your eyes "Tch, Danteee! I will miss you too, you dumbass.." Dante left and you run after Vergil, "Heyy, Vergil please wait up!" Vergil at the beginning stop for a second and act like he didn't hear you then he kept walking away, you yelled one more time "Vergil, please stop, wait a minute.." you were ready to give up and walk away as well but then when you turn to leave Vergil was right behind you so you bumped into him, you froze for a sec and slowly lift your (e/c) eyes up only to meet a pair of icy blue eyes staring at you, you thought holy shit his fast and blush instantly "Something's wrong?" Vergil asked you still staring into your eyes, you start feeling your knees weak "N-No Vergil, I-I just wanted to.." "Thank me? There's no need to. Besides I think you thank my brother for the both of us." you couldn't believe in your eyes the older legendary son of Sparda was getting jealous, that probably means that he cares about you as well "What do you mean Vergil?" "Come on now you know what I mean (y/n)." Vergil brought his face closer to yours, and you were almost ready to faint "I think there's something more than a friendship exist between you and my brother." you looked away for a second but Vergil grab your cheeks with one hand and made you look at him again "A-Ahm, there's nothing more than a friendship b-between me and your brother, I swear Vergil. That's what I wanted to tell you, I ah I have a crush on you for so long.." Vergil froze with what he heard and freed your cheeks from his hand, he didn't say anything and then you couldn't take it anymore so you wrapped your hands behind his head and gave him one hell of a passionate kiss, surprisingly he didn't pull away and put his hands on your waist bringing your bodies closer and deepening your kiss, you broke the kiss to get some air "I have to go now (y/n).." you sighed "I-I understand.." he gave you one last look before he leaves and a kiss on your forehead "I will miss you (y/n), take care of yourself and stay out of trouble.." you gave him a sweet smile "I will, don't worry. Will I see you again?" Vergil stop for a second when he heard your question and replied "Who knows, maybe one day.." he start to walking away again, a few tears escape from your eyes and you whispered "I love you Vergil.." you turn the other way and start walking away as well, that was only the beginning.


That was the last part of this mini story, it took me an eternity to finish it, lol I suck, I know. Anyway hope you guys like it. Thank you for voting my stories, love yaa! ♡ (◕‿◕✿)


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