Dante x Sick!Reader

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So for this one I'm gonna use Dante from Devil May Cry 3. Anyway hope you like it..♡

Suddenly your (e/c) eyes snapped open, and you took a quick look at the alarm clock you had next to you. It was 5AM. You were feeling cold and your body had started trembling, you tried to cover yourself better with the blanket to warmed up a bit, but unfortunately it didn't go that well. So you got up from the bed to go and search for the electronic thermometer to check your temperature. *beep beep* You took it off and you saw that your temperature was starting to get higher than the normal. "Tch, great..That's exactly what I needed right now, to get sick.." You gone back to your bed and wrapped with the blanket like a buritto, hoping that you will woke up later that day feeling better.

*5 hours later*

You woke up for good now throwing away your blanket cause you were sweaty, you thought that this might be a good sign not to have a fever, but to be more sure you wanted to check your temperature one more time so you took the electronic thermometer from the bedside table and placed it under your armpit. *one minute later* *beep beep* you took it off and you gave it a look *38.3°C (about 101 I think in Fahrenheit, sorry guys idk how this Measurement unit works xD)* you gave it one more look with blank expression "Are you fucking kidding me right now?! From all the times, why now? This is the worst thing that could happen to me right now. I don't want to skip classes again in University/School, fuck." You took a medicine to drop the fever and afterwards you went towards the bathroom to take a lukewarm shower to make things a little better.

*30 minutes later*

You wore your fresh new pajamas and went towards the kitchen to make for yourself a hot chocolate, then you sat on the sofa and turned the TV on, you watched for a moment and then you grabbed your phone to see if you had any text messages, more hopefully from your boyfriend. "Ahh, really now Dante?" You crushed under your breath. You thought that he must overslept again cause last night he most likely was out drinking beers or something, you also hoped that this was the only thing that he was doing. You knew damn well that he could be an ass the most of the times but you also knew that he could be the biggest sweetheart whenever he wanted of course, this was a side of him that hopefully only you had the luck to see. Also you were a little, ehh no, okay very jealous, and who can blame you for that, he is perfect, he is strong, he is different, he is caring, he has perfect white puffy hair, he has the most beautiful crystal blue eyes that you have ever seen, and ahh this damn fucking good looking body which he doesn't miss the chance showing it off everywhere. You really hated the fact that he doesn't wear a blouse or something, but you still deeply love him anyway. *you bite your lower lip, and grab your phone once again to send him a text*

"Morning sleeping beauty..Did you had fun last night?"


Dante was sleeping upon his hands using them as a pillow cause he had fall asleep in his wooden office table, when suddenly his peaceful sleep interrupted from his phone vibrancy. He jump up a little and he grabbed his phone to see the message. He smirked and he starts texting to you.

Y: "Morning sleeping beauty..Did you had fun last night?"

D: "Aw I've seen you been sweet as always babe, and I'm not really sure for what do you mean by that."

~Devil May Cry and DmC (One Shots)~Where stories live. Discover now