Beauty And The Beast (Modern Style!Vergil x Reader)

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This story requested by @eva-sparda, hope you like it ❤️ Sorry for taking me so long and also sorry for the grammar mistakes. ;-; 

One more boring day just started, you and your best friend (in this story I will be your best friend x3) entered the classroom. You were on your final year in University, and your friend told you that she heard something like a graduation event will happen, you wished that in this event won't need to have a partner or something *you just had a flashback from the really really bad experience you had in your prom date*  you shook your head to remove these bad moments you had from back then. You caught yourself stare one of your classmates which also happens to be your crush. He's name is Vergil, you don't know much about him cause he never talk that much, you would say his character is introver, during breaks he was sitting alone reading a book or he just walking arround in the University listening to music probably. You always wanted to go and talk to him but you were too shy and introver as well, also you were afraid that he might reject you so you just watch him from distance. *snap*  Your friend has just interrupted you from your day dreaming. 


*you blinked*

-Hmm? What is it, Nina?

-You were staring at him again, haven't you?

-I-I no don't be stupid..

-Yeah sure.. You have to find courage to go and talk to him..

-I know..

*you were resting your face in your palms a little upset*

When suddenly you caught Vergil looking at you. *you blushed and turn your look away* The bell rang and you run out as fast as you could. Outside you find your friend and her boyfriend Dante, Dante was Vergil's twin brother, they look so alike but at the same time they are so different. Dante's personality was exact the opposite from Vergil's. But it seems those two don't get along, you never asked why because you didn't want to look indiscreet. Some minutes later you joined them and you and the "lovebirds" starts walking to your homes. Dante left us first. So you and Nina keep walking and we started discussing about what happened in class previously.

-Really? You caught him looking at you?

-Ehm, yeah, I-I think so..

-You know this is a good thing right?

-I don't know, I guess so..

-Well now you should definitely go and talk to him!

-Yeah maybe..

-(Y/N), snap out of it at last, in two weeks our time in University ends and you probably won't see him again, so find courage and take your sweet ass there and talk to h-i-m!

-Okay, okay fine, I will try, don't yell.

*you two laughed and she hugged you*

-Thank you Nina.

-For what girl? Besides I think you two will make a cute couple together.

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