Puppet Master: It Never Ends

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-------------------Courtney's POV---------

It hadn't been that long since my 19th birthday and everything was surprisingly normal. Since Mikey died everything has been falling into place. Ace and I are living together in his apartment, Bandit is living on her own and going to the beach often, Sara and Chris are happily married and living in the castle. Everything was fine until I woke up. I woke up in my room the birds were singing and the sun was shining bright. I walked down stairs and started making some eggs with bacon. Ace lives bacon it's one of the only things he does like. The eggs were sizzling in the skillet and the bacon smelled great. There was a knock on the door and I ran to get it. There was a tall man standing there.

"Are you Courtney Ross?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Yes how can I help you?" Before I knew anything he pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. Intense pain rushed to my shoulder as I fell to the ground. The man shut the door and walked away. I couldn't scream or move.

"A-Ace" I said as loud as I could. No answer as usual, he probably had gone out late and not returned. I ripped part of my shirt and held it to the wound, it didn't help. I had been shot point blank.

-Aces POV-

I came home later that morning and smelled something burning. I ran inside to see a ton of smoke and quickly turned off the burner. As the smoke cleared the air I saw Courtney on the floor bleeding out.

"Courtney wake up!" I shook her and nothing happened. I quickly picked her up and carried her to our neighbors house, he was a doctor.

"Doc you there?!" I yelled while kicking the door.

"Coming Ace." He opened up the door and smiled happily and then looked down. His happy smile was now a frown.

"What happened?" He said harshly.

"I don't know I came home and found her."

"Bring her in i'll take a look." I put her down on one of the beds he owns and he grabbed his tools. He pulled out the bullet and cleaned up the blood.

"I'm going to try to wake her." He put some spice under her nose and she began to wake up.

-third person-

Courtney awoke.

"A-Ace there was a man that came to our door. I answered it and he asked if I was Courtney. I told him yes and he shot me." She laid back down.

"I'll find him don't worry Courtney." Ace smiled.

"Ace your big but he was a lot bigger than you. And very scary." Courtney still had her fears, most have subsided from the whole Mikey thing but not all.

"Courtney don't worry I won't let him come back." Ace said taking Courtney back to the apartment.

"Thanks Doc!" Ace yelled

"No problem." he replied

-Courtney's POV-

Ace carried me up stairs to my room. I laid down and tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"Courtney could you tell me what this man looked like?" Ace said grabbing his sketch pad and a pen.

"Sure he had black hair, was about 6'9, had big green eyes, a scar that ran down the left side of his cheek, and he looked rather ragged." I said grabbing a mirror and looking at the wound.

"Is this pretty close?" Ace said holding up the drawing.

"Exactly!" Ace had always been a fantastic drawer.

"I'll send it into the police and see what they say."

"No Ace let's just leave this between you and me. No need to get everyone afraid of this man."

"He could have killed you Courtney!"

"But he didn't, I'm alive and right now all we have to do is find this man."

"Fine but I'm telling the others." Ace said walking out.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the drawing again. I couldn't believe that this man had shot me. And I knew Ace hadn't forgot. These things just never end.

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