Chapter III: Friends Dont Last

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-Courtney's POV-

It was the next day and Ace and I were still debating about a trader. I mean these people we grew up with and trust. I didn't even know who to trust anymore. This was biting at me a lot.


"Yeah? What's up?"

"Who do you think the trader is?"

"I honestly don't know and I'm hoping there isn't one."

"Yeah same."

Ace hadn't been acting like himself recently. At least since Tara is back. Sara and Bandit were coming over for a girls night. I was excited so I didn't have to worry about Tara.

"Ace did you get the movie?"


"Good. When are you leaving?"

"Ugh I don't know. In a little bit I'm going to hang with Chris for awhile. Tell him what's up."


Sara and Bandit came over and we all got our popcorn and sat down. Bandit stretched out over the couch, Sara took the chair and I sat on the floor.

"So guys Tara said that one of us is a trader."

"What?! None of us are!" Sara said.

"Yea why would we. This is all any of us has."

Bandit had a point. Without us Bandit would probably be robbing banks or something, Sara would probably be a waitress, Ace would be on the sea, Chris would still be doing what he's doing, and I would probably be a prostitute.

"Good point. We should all trust each other no matter what."

"We'll trust is an issue." Sara said locking the door and having rocks over it and windows.

"Sara what are you doing?"

"Just making sure no one sees anything."

"You are the trader! Why you little-"

I was cut off as she threw me into the kitchen. I knew I had hit my head on the kitchen table. The blood was already rushing down my white shirt.

"Sara! What the hell?!"

Bandit got up and tried to restrain her. She was thrown into the wall. I couldn't see her moving anymore. I pulled out my phone and texted Ace "Help". No response. I knew that we were in trouble.


-Aces POV-

"So Chris about this trader what should we do about it?"

"We'll I don't know. It's not like any of us have a reason to."

"We need to watch out backs. If it's any of us it's one of the girls."


"Oh Courtney texted me, let's see it reads "Help!". I looked up at Chris.

"Damn it."

We grabbed our stuff and ran out the door. My mind was going back and forth about the trader the I forgot where I was going. That telephone poll came out of no where. Chris helped me up and we kept going. When we arrived at the house Bandit was knocked out and there was a blood trail leading up stairs. Me and Chris gave each other the "Oh shit" look.

"Courtney you up here?"

"Yea Ace I'm here."

She walked out of the bathroom holding the back of her head. That must have been where she was hit.

"Ace, Sara is a trader and she will pay for what she has done."

I saw her eyes turning red. I quickly rushed her into her room and sat her down. Concussions can trigger her panic attacks.

"Stay here and don't destroy anything!"

"Okay I'll try."

I walked back down stairs and Chris had gotten Bandit to regain conciseness.

"Chris, Sara is the trader she probably had been stealing secrets from you!"

"Your right."

I had completely forgot that Sara was Chris wife. This couldn't be good.

-Courtney's POV-

After Ace had rushed me to my room I quickly got right up again. I couldn't understand why she was a trader. We were so nice to her! I mean why would she do this we are her friends and family. She betrayed us and her husband. I hadn't realized but as I was flailing my arms around they has caught on fire. I knew that I was freaking out again. I was afraid that I would hurt someone. But I had no choice I had to call Ace.

"Ace! Ace!" I screamed as loud as I could. Chris and Ace both came up stairs. Their faces were blank as they saw the singe marks on the wall. Chris quickly got a glass of water and threw it on my face. I felt my feet drop beneath me. I could only here the sounds of the guys as I passed out.

"Chris get more water she's burning up!"

"I've got some ice bring her downstairs. I don't know why this is happening to her. I thought she could control these."

"No but nothing has made her go into one. It looks like since she hasn't had one this one will be bad. Get Bandit now!"

That was the last I here'd of it.

-Aces POV-

As she passed out in my arms I could tell she was in trouble. She hadn't had a panic attack in a long time. It was fighting to be free, but she was fighting back. Chris brought the water and I tried cooling her off but nothing happened. Bandit had come but she couldn't do anything.

"Just keep her comfortable and get her cooled off!"

That's all she would ever say. We tried our best. We put he back on her bed and turned the AC up. She managed to cool off. That was not the only thing on my mind tho. Sara had betrayed all of us and now she must pay. Mikey must have been working with her. Even tho Mikey is dead (I hope) doesn't mean she doesn't have his secrets. Was Sara behind everything this whole time? Maybe she order Mikey to attack Courtney, no she wouldn't would she?

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